Inglês Online
 Exercício: Pronomes Possessivos e Adjetivos Possessivos 2

Complete cada sentença com o Adjetivo Possessivo (my, your, her, his, our, their) ou Pronome Possesivo (mine, yours, hers, his, ours, theirs) correto.

1. - Is this .......... cat?
- No, it's Monica's. .......... cat is a lot bigger.
2. .......... class starts in five minutes. What about ..........?
3. - Is this Paula's necklace?
- Yes, it's ..........
4. Marina loved .......... house. I can't wait to visit ..........
5. That's John. He's with .......... brother Mark. .......... sister isn't with them.
6. Jane met .......... mother at the mall. Later, they went back to .......... place.
7. .......... photographs are great! I don't know what happened with ..........
8. .......... friends are coming over tomorrow. They want to see .......... house.


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