Inglês com Cartoons #79: Long time, no see

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Apr 20

Hi, everyone! No cartoon de hoje, como sempre, temos uma imagem com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo. O cartoon de hoje faz uso pesado do “possessive case”! Você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #79Perguntas

(a) Who’s the woman greeting Annie? Quem é a mulher cumprimentando a Annie?

(b) Who is the other woman?  Quem é a outra mulher?

(c) What is Annie going to do now? O que a Annie vai fazer agora?

Minhas respostas

(a) She’s Vera, Annie’s mother’s cousin.  Ela é Vera, prima da mãe da Annie.

(b) That’s Sonia, Vera’s neighbor, who happens to be close friends with Annie’s mother. Essa é a Sonia, vizinha da Vera, que por acaso é amiga íntima da mãe da Annie.

(c) She’s going to spend the afternoon playing with Vera’s kids. Ela vai passar a tarde brincando com as crianças da Vera.


                 E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?

E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – You’re doing very well – com todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser guardar.

Juca 26/04/2012

a) She’s Julie your younger sister
b) That woman is mother of Julie and Annie
c) She that going buy a new shirt to your mother

Osvaldo Jr 23/04/2012

1. This woman is her older sister, who studies on USA.
2. The other woman is her english teacher.
3. Annie is on vacation and she is going to visit USA whith her sister.

Carol 21/04/2012

a) She’s and old teacher of Annie, from kildengarden. She taught Annie when the girl was 3.
b) She’s Annie’s mom. Her name is Sara.
c) Now they’re gonna back to what they were doing. What happened was that Annie and her mom was just walking through the downtown when they met the ex-teacher and stopped to talk to her.

Juliana 21/04/2012

a) She is Annie’s teacher. She is get excited to see annie after a long school holidays.
b) Annie’s mother.
c) She is going to take class and enjoy her first day in the school after school holidays.

Diogo 21/04/2012

a) She’s Carol, her aunt.
b) That’s Mary, Carol’s sister.
c) She’s spenting the weekend with her aunt and will play a lot of with her cousins.

Débora 21/04/2012

a) She is Annie’s aunt.
b) That’s Annie’s Mom.
c) She’ll go to have lunch with her aunt.

Ana, How do I say “Minha filha “fez” 02 anos de idade in English, please?

    Marcel 20/05/2012

    My daughter turned 02 years old

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