Inglês com Cartoons #58: Who’s that guy?

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Aug 20

Hello! Aqui vai mais um cartoon para o seu inglês. Hoje não tem fala nenhuma, mas tem perguntas e um exemplo.
Use a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos

Inglês com Cartoons #58 Perguntas

 (a) This woman is thinking about a conversation she had with some guy. Who’s that guy? Essa mulher está pensando em uma conversa que ela teve com um cara. Quem é esse cara?

 (b) What did they talk about? Sobre o que eles conversaram?

 (c) Why is she thinking about this now? Por que ela está pensando nisso agora?

 Minhas respostas

(a) He’s her husband. Ele é o marido dela.

(b) That day, they talked about business. She was a sales rep and he was a potential client. Naquele dia, eles falaram sobre negócios. Ela era representante de vendas e ele era um potencial cliente.

(c) Because she enjoys remembering how they first met. Porque ela gosta de lembrar de como eles se conheceram.


                 E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – 50% off –
todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser
guardar. Obrigada a todos que tem deixado respostas!

caique 12/09/2010

A) He’s a client
B) Abaout deal
C) He’s buy a house

Eliana Braile 11/09/2010

That guy was your ex husband.
They did talk about the next weekend,that he going to have a trip with their children.
She is thinking about it because she’ll have “free time” for herself.She needs to take care herself.

Rafael Maximo 08/09/2010

She’s thinkin’ about how good was making love with that guy

Mari 01/09/2010

a)He’s her friend.
b)They were talking about how it was her business trip last week.
c)Because it was a nice day for her.

Daiane 24/08/2010

a)He is a doctor that she met at lunch in the restaurant near your job.
b)They did talk about to give blood.
c)She is thinking to give blood to help other people then are at hospital waiting for volunteers.

Luis Gomes Neto 22/08/2010

a) That guy is her boyfriend.
b) He had invited her for a meeting
c)Because she is in love with him

Cassis 21/08/2010

a)this guy and her brother, and she is very surprised at the party.
b)they talked about his childhood.
c)because she likes to think about that.

Aline 21/08/2010

a) This guy is your ex boyfriend, and she was very suprised to see him again!

b) They talked about the news. Nothing more than a “how the life is going?”

c)She is just thinking about this for one reason: He’s not the half man he think he is! Thank God she didn’t get back to him!

Rodrigo 20/08/2010

Hello folks, these are my answers:

a)He is her boss;
b)They were talking about the new tasks;
c)Because she is sorry for not having request a raise.

Ana Luiza 20/08/2010

Leo, thanks for commenting. I’m happy to hear that!

Leo Pires 20/08/2010

SO good this test. I love so much.
This Help me to understand the little things of the english. Thaks (:

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