Preposições (tempo)

Inglês - Preposições (tempo)

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Para falar de fatos ou rotinas, é comum usar expressões como “aos sábados”, “de manhã”, “às 3 da tarde” etc. E em inglês? Veja como ficam os períodos do dia:



in the morning

at night

in the afternoon

in the evening

I go to school in the morning.

They usually play chess in the afternoon.

We watch a bit of TV in the evening.

Dias, meses e anos:




in January

in February

in March

(domingo, segunda-feira, terça-feira…)

on Sunday

on Monday

on Tuesday…


on the 17th of July

on July 17th

on July 17 2008


in the winter

in the summer


in 1980

in 2008

On WednesdaysOn Saturdays etc, significa “toda quarta-feira”, “todo sábado”…

She was born in 1987.

We take our days off in the winter.

On June 23rd, she was born.




at 5 o’clock

at 3 AM

at midnight

at six-thirty

I work from 9 to 5 every weekday.

She goes to the gym from Monday to Saturday.

Atenção: não usamos preposição antes de “last”, “next” e “this”.

I’m going to New York next month.

I saw Jeff this afternoon.

Last week we ate sushi.


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