Hi, everybody. Se você acompanha os podcasts aqui do Inglês Online, quero te convidar a dar uma atenção especial ao episódio de hoje! Antes de ir para o áudio, vamos fazer um teste:
Responda mentalmente, o mais rápido que puder – como se você estivesse numa conversa ao vivo, em tempo real:
Como você diz em inglês, usando o Possessive Case (‘s)? 1) O carro que pertence à Ana e ao Tim (o carro pertence aos dois) 2) Os carros da Maria e do Antonio (um carro é da Maria, e o outro do Antonio)
Aqui vão as respostas: 1- Ana and Tim’s car; 2- Maria’s and Antonio’s cars.
Se foi fácil, ótimo. Mas se você está entre os que hesitaram e se enrolaram um pouco, e é ouvinte deste podcast, então este episódio é pra você mesmo. Essa é uma dica relacionada aqui no blog.
Hi, everybody. Here’s a new episode of the Inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven’t yet left a comment for this podcast please do so: the more comments for the Inglesonline podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes. Thanks for telling your friends, your neighbors, your family and keep listening!
So in today’s episode I wanna talk about the possessive case, which is the grammatical name of something like this: Jenny’s shoes. We’re talking about the shoes that belong to Jenny. Mark’s house. Here. we’re talking about the house that belongs to Mark. These are the simple cases, though, and they’re not our focus today.
So let’s get right into what IS our focus, which is using the possessive case when there’s more than one person involved. That doesn’t come so easily for many people, so here we go. Ana and Tim are married and they own a car. That blue car belongs to both of them. They share the car. And here’s how we say that: It’s Ana and Tim’s car. It’s Ana and Tim’s car. Ana and Tim’s car is blue.
Monica and Sara are sisters. They bought a house together, and they both live in the house. The house belongs to Monica and Sara. It is Monica and Sara’s house. Or you can say, why not? It’s Sara and Monica’s house. Sara and Monica’s house is medium-sized. It is Monica and Sara’s house.
Johnny and Tina are brother and sister. Johnny and Tina have the same mother and the same father, of course. They have the same parents. So this is how we say that: Johnny and Tina’s parents. If you look at the picture, you will see Johnny and Tina’s mother. You will also see Johnny and Tina’s father. Those are Tina and Johnny’s parents.
You may have noticed that when “something” belongs to more than one person, and we are listing out the owners – Mary, John, Jenny, Mike, etc. – the possessive case goes on the last name. Listen again: That blue car is Ana and Tim’s car. That house is Monica and Sara’s house. That man and that woman are Johnny and Tina’s parents. Ana and Tim’s, Monica and Sara’s, Johnny and Tina’s.
Now I would like you to think of people you know who have shared ownership of something. That’s right, they share ownership of a house, or a car. Or just go for a simple example of two brothers or two sisters and their parents. Please leave your example for this situation in the comments!
Moving on – here’s a different situation. Now we are talking about Donald, who owns a red car, and Lesley, who owns a black car. Donald and Lesley are friends and, coincidentally, they’re both having car problems. Both cars are now in the car shop for some maintenance. Donald’s car is in the car shop; and Lesley’s car is in the car shop as well. So this is how we say it: Donald’s and Lesley’s cars are in the shop. Donald’s car; Lesley’s car; Donald’s and Lesley’s cars. Yeah, they’re in the shop for maintenance. Donald’s and Lesley’s cars are in shop for some maintenance.
Still on Donald and Lesley: both of them have dogs. Donald’s dog is small and white; Lesley’s dog is small and brown. Both dogs are small. Donald’s and Lesley’s dogs are small. Both of them: the one that belongs to Donald, and the one that belongs to Lesley. Two different dogs! Donald’s and Lesley’s dogs are small.
Now hear this: little Timmy and Annie are classmates. So they know each other from school. They’re the same age. Timmy’s parents are from Canada; and Annie’s parents are from Canada as well. Both sets of parents are Canadian. So hear this: Timmy’s and Annie’s parents are from Canada. Timmy’s and Annie’s parents are Canadian. Timmy’s mother is from Canada; Timmy’s father is from Canada; Timmy’s parents are from Canada. Now, Annie: Annie’s mother is also from Canada; Annie’s father is from Canada; so Annie’s parents are from Canada. Timmy’s and Annie’s parents are from Canada, all four of them.
So if I say this: Jane and Karen’s parents are from England. Are Jane and Karen sisters?
If I say – Robert’s and Mike’s parents are from Australia… Are Robert and Mike brothers?
Think of a few examples from your life and post them in the comments. Talk to you next time!
Ana and Tim’s car
Johnny and Tina’s parents
They have shared ownership of = Eles compartilham “a posse” de (ou seja, todos os envolvidos são donos)
both sets of parents = os dois pares/grupos de pais (os dois casais de pai e mãe)
Ana criou um blog de dicas de inglês em 2006, e depois de muito pesquisar o que faz alguém ganhar fluência numa segunda língua, criou seu primeiro curso de inglês em 2009.
So if I say this: Jane and Karen’s parents are from England. Are Jane and Karen sisters?
Yes. They are.
If I say – Robert’s and Mike’s parents are from Australia… Are Robert and Mike brothers?
No, they aren’t.
I have two cousins.(Ruth and Marie) Both of them like songs of Brazil.
Ruth and Marie’s songs are from Brazil.
My computer is black.
Valter’s computer is back.
Hi,Ana! I’d learned all the rules about it last month at the university and I got surprise because there are so many rules for genetive case that i’d never heard before! And what I’m learning about english language is:there are always some details more for this or that.Is hard but it’s worth it.
Sometimes I think is impossible to learn everything about it,but then you inspire me,and I keep moving on…
Hi, well! I’m thinking about that and, sure, it’s so usual! For exemple, me and my sister shere the same house, so: Jeane and Jeniffer’s house! The house belongs to both of them!
My husband and I live in the same house. So, Rose and Carlos’s house is big.
But I have a black car and my husband has a white car. So, Rose’s and Carlos’s cars are small.
Ana, my sentences are correct ?