Podcast: Fast or slow?

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Apr 20

Tudo bem por aí? No episódio de hoje, eu te faço uma pergunta. Para responder, é só escolher e clicar em uma alternativa ao fim do texto abaixo. Ouça o podcast e me diga o que você acha… Enjoy.


Hi, everyone. How’s it going? How have you been? This is Ana with another episode of the Inglês Online podcast.

Here we go. Today I have a question for you, especially if you’re sort of a long time listener of this podcast – but also if you’re new. If this is one of the first times listening to this podcast that is fine… I want to know your opinion as well. But if you’re a long-time listener, you know that sometimes when I do the podcast I speak a bit more slowly. Usually when I’m explaining English expressions, when I’m talking about idioms and giving examples… Usually I tend to speak a bit more slowly.

On the other hand, when I do sort of a free-form kind of episode where I just talk about my life, and I just go on and on sort of telling a story… You know that sometimes I can speed it up a little bit and talk a bit faster.

I have had requests – from some of you – both ways. Some people asking me to do more podcasts speaking more naturally, faster and other people asking me to slow down a little bit. Lately, though, I have to say… I think I have had a little bit more of the latter, which is… more people asking me to record podcasts speaking a bit more slowly. Instead of going one way or the other, I decided to ask you to tell me which one you prefer.

In this podcast – obviously, not in the audio… but if you visit the podcast page, this episode’s page on the website, you will see a little… This little sort of quiz embedded in the post, in the page… And all you have to do is click on it and you’ll see the question What would you like me to do?

Would you like me to do more episodes speaking slowly? Would you like me to do more episodes speaking faster? Or do you think a balance is best? Let’s say 50% more slowly, 50% quicker… or something like that. All you have to do is click and choose the option. And I’m very interested in what you guys are going to go for – which alternative is going to be number one.

I can do both – I’m happy to do both. As you guys know, especially, again –  if you’ve been listening for a while, I have started to do more episodes without a lot of planning. There’s a lot more spontaneous talk… But anyway, I really enjoy doing the kind of episode where I pick a couple of expressions and give you examples, and repeat the expression a lot. And I also like telling you guys about some… some interesting experiences that I go through because I think that it really helps. Like some real life experiences, where I tell you what other people that I run into every day, say. They talk about their lives… it’s like different situations, everyday experiences… I think that’s interesting as well, and in those kinds of episodes I usually speak a little bit faster.

I’m curious to see what your choice is. Feel free, after you select your choice, to leave a comment as well. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.

Talk to you soon. Bye!

[tqb_quiz id=’28068′]


speed it up = acelerar, ir mais rápido

the latter = ultimo ou segunda coisa a ser mencionada

run into something/somebody = se deparar, encontrar ou esbarrar com algo ou alguém

feel free to = fique à vontade para

Alfredo 18/09/2021

Muy bien los podcasts de Ana. Ella hace un buen trabajo en entrenar los oídos de los iniciantes, intermedios y avenzados en inglés. Y también una buena pronuncia. Mis felicitaciones a ti Ana y a todos de tu equipo.

Larissa 16/03/2021

Hi Ana, I lovely your podcast and I think some episodes could be faster and another episodes slowly.
Are the podcast finished?

Wilson Cabral 18/01/2021

Hi Ana, I’ve never written you and, first of all, I wanna thank you for all the free material that you make available. It’s incommensurable how your lessons and this podcast help my understanding.
And, answering your question, you should of course speed it up, fluently, as a native speaker.

Katri 08/07/2020

Ana, I guess that this way how you speak it’s perfect, because it’s not fast nor slow.

Camilo gomes 20/06/2020

Ana, your lesson are very good. But, in order to educate the ears, i would like to hear people of several countries speaking in english language.

Carla Marques 13/05/2020

Obrigada, Ana Luiza! Eu ouço seus podcasts pelo spotify e adoro! Eles me ajudam muito nos meus estudos em inglês, são super úteis e eu gosto muito do jeito como você fala. Consigo compreender! Thank You so much!

Paulo Boito 05/05/2020

Agradeço muito a vocês, site muito bom.

    Olá, Paulo, bacana
    Obrigado pelo elogio.

Paulo 01/05/2020

Gostaria de dar uma dica! Existem vários aplicativos para estudo que permitem aumentar ou diminuir a velocidade da fala. Eu uso um muito bom, o Smart Audio Book, mas há muitos outros. Com isso é possível deixar a fala exatamente na medida da necessidade de cada um.

Paulo 01/05/2020

I would like to give you congratulations for your amazing work! I love the way that you make that, specially the possibilitie of learning English by listening, speaking and reading using the podcasts! Many thanks!

Antonio 30/04/2020

Sempre procurei textos curtos e interessantes. Seus Podcasts são exatamante o que preciso para ouvir a lingua inglesa e entender. Não precisa ser muito devagar, mas devagar.. de forma que proporcione a uma pessoa que é ouvinte iniciante, como eu, entender o tema e não ter dificuldades em acompanhar. Eu acho que depois de algum tempo ouvindo ja estarei acostumado com o som da lingua , dito por você e, quem sabe vou pedir para voce ir mais rápido, but the moment can you continue speaking slowly please?

Renato de Souza Paula 28/04/2020

Acredito que deva fazer os audios de forma natural, voce ja manda a transcricao, as pessoas devem se acostumar a ouvir a lingua de uma forma natural, nao precisa ser rapido igual o Eminem e nem Tao devagar so para os iniciantes se sentirem comodos

Ana 28/04/2020

Hi everyone
Thank you so much for all your comments.
We’re looking into stuff now :)
Ana x

Beth Bell 28/04/2020

Nice to meet you Ana, I usually listen to your podcast, I didnt know you, I mean , your face. I like very much your lessons, I have been improve very much , doing exercises and listen to learn about pronounciation, new words, now, I came here and can do exercises, grammar, and so on. You are a very good teacher !
Thank you for all. Beth, RJ

José Antonio 25/04/2020

Você podia gravar o episódio também no YouTube. Lá, até em celulares, dá para aumentar de diminuir a velocidade.

Reginato 23/04/2020

Hi Ana!

I prefer the current speed but you can solve this dilemma adding a speed controller – I don´t know how do this but somebody must know it ;).

Besides that, I like so much you podcast!

mariadosocorro 23/04/2020

Olá Ana!

Pra mim, como vc faz tá ótimo!! Pelo que ja observei, os podcasts mais antigos, os primeiros mesmo são mais devagar. Quem tem dificuldades poderia começar por estes!

Thiago 22/04/2020

Bom minha opinião, acho que poderia ser um pouco mais rápido, seria mais desafiante…Acredito também que talvez fosse interessante ter uma conversa em inglês, entre você e um convidado……Parabéns pelo trabalho..

Zilá 21/04/2020

I think the text could be shorter

Claudio Vianna 21/04/2020

In my opinion, listenning to a little bit faster is better, because the native speakers speak as well.
I couldn’t understand these expressions, sort of and kind of.

    Zilá 21/04/2020

    sort of and kind of are the same thing Tipo de , uma espécie de…..

Maecelo 21/04/2020

Hi there. I hope everything is going well. I like your podcast fast. It’s more like real English and since you make available the full transcription, someone who doesn’t have good listening skills could listen to and read at the same time.

EDIFRAN 21/04/2020

Fale naturalmente, como se estivesse falando com um nativo! Quando for dar exemplos de algo, você pode até diminuir a velocidade dos exemplos que você dá, com o intuito de passar melhor a informação!

Leandro 21/04/2020

Rapidamente ou naturalmente, porque eu acredito que é bom para acostumarmos com o ritmo também. Temos que nos esforçar, nem sempre, haverá pessoas falando devagar né. Ah, uma última coisa, seus podcast são excelentes, assim que puder, vou fazer teu curso, preciso muito me tornar fluente em inglês.

geraldo 21/04/2020

Bom dia Luiza. A minha impressão e de que os pontos e virgulas estão sendo atropelados.
Grato.Um abraço.

    Zilá 21/04/2020

    I also think.

Célia Regina 21/04/2020

I prefer 50 % de two….okay?

NORBERTO 21/04/2020

I think it would be better to speak like natives. It’s more real.

Jackflack 20/04/2020

I think you could just speak normally, as you would do when you are talking to someone.
Maybe you could encourage your listeners to use the speed selector on their favorite podcast player and adjust it as they want. Most players, if not all of them, provide this option. By doing so, you would not need to worry about how fast you really need to speak.
I hope that helps.

    mariah 22/04/2020

    I totally agree with you, Jackflack!
    Good point!

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