Podcast: Self-stirring mug

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Feb 11
Podcast Self-stirring mug

How are you? Hoje eu falo sobre a estrutura “self-stirring” em inglês. Não perca!


How are you? You’re listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store – search for “inglês online Ana”. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy!

Alright, so let me show you something – and if you’re just hearing my voice and not looking at the episode page at Inglês Online, you can head over there and check out this photo I’m going to talk about.

This is a photo of a self-stirring mug. So, I found this product in a shop here in London and this shop is just full of novelty products. It’s got all kinds of funny, interesting and unique products and sometimes they come up with some pretty useful stuff.

Self-stirring mug

Yes, I’m talking about this self-stirring mug. What is that? It’s a mug that stirs itself. So, let’s break this down: say it’s 3PM and you feel you need that boost of energy only instant coffee can give you. You head over to the kitchen, grab a mug, put in a spoonful of Nescafe or whatever brand of coffee you prefer, pour some boiling water and sugar in the mug and then you use a spoon to stir the water and everything in it. So, there you go: with a self-stirring mug, you don’t have to worry after adding in all your ingredients – it will give your beverage the perfect stir and all you have to do is enjoy it.

Ok, so what is a self-stirring mug? It’s a mug that stirs itself. Probably at the press of a button, this little mug will stir itself. It’s a self-stirring mug. Notice that this is a perfect example of a sentence structure that can’t be literally translated word by word into Portuguese.

Have you heard of self-cleaning ovens? What are they? A self-cleaning oven is an oven that cleans itself. I’d love to have self-washing clothes and a self-cleaning home but apparently we’re not there yet. So, let’s hear the structure again: self-washing clothes would be clothes that wash themselves. A self-cleaning home would be a home that cleans itself. You wouldn’t need to, you know, dust the furniture, sweep the floor, do the dishes – I mean, can you imagine? A self-cleaning home would clean itself.

I mean, imagine how much free time you would have to do other stuff. Now here’s one that is pretty common everywhere: self-locking doors. If you got one of those at home, especially if it’s the main entrance to your place, chances are you’ve locked yourself out at least once. How would that happen? Well, a self-locking door will lock itself behind you, right? As soon as it shuts behind you – that’s it. It’s locked. The locking system doesn’t require you to insert a key and turn the key and so on. Nope, it will lock itself upon shutting. So, you if you forgot to take the keys with you and the door locked itself, that means you’re locked out and you’ll need to call a locksmith to get that door open.

Have you ever locked yourself out because you forgot to get the keys, and the door locked itself? Let me know in the comments! See you soon.

Key expressions

  • self-stirring
  • self-locking
  • self-cleaning


head over there = vai/ir até lá

novelty = algo novo ou interessante, novidade

come up with = inventar, criar

brand = marca

beverage = bebida

chances are = é provável que

locksmith = chaveiro

Maria eduarda 10/11/2019

this is pretty commun but i never see it!

Luiz Carlos 24/06/2019

Foi muito gratificante receber materiais que muito me ajudarão a melhorar e até aprender o idioma inglês. Agradeço muito e te desejo muito sucesso. God bless you a lot.

    Olá, Luiz Carlos
    Muito obrigado pelo comentário.
    Sucessos e conte com as dicas do nosso blog.

Juliana 24/05/2019

Há quanto tempo eu acompanho essa seção de podcasts, nem sei dizer… mas amo, amo… Sempre paro, aqui ou ali, na correria da vida para voltar aqui e ouvir para não deixar o listening enferrujar… I love your voice, Ana… It is really sweet hearing you accent. I really think you was born for this kind of job. I’ve learned a lot from you, thanks.

    Olá, Juliana, que bacana.
    Obrigado pelo comentário e elogio.

Lenoan de Brito 22/05/2019

Oi Ana e toda equipe do Inglês Online, saudações!!
Seus materiais são maravilhosos. Bem diferente dos demais que encontramos pela net, com aquele inglês mecânico e elaborado. Vocês nos aproximam do dia a dia, da vivência prática. CONGRATULATIONS!!! estou aguardando novos materiais ansiosamente…

    Olá, Lenoan de Brito, muito bacana.
    Ficamos felizes de receber o seu depoimento. É muito gratificante para todos nós.
    Obrigado pelo comentário.

José Antonio 19/05/2019

Estamos à espera de um novo podcast.

    Olá, José, como vai?
    Os Podcasts vão voltar em breve.
    Obrigado pelo comentário.

Hugo 22/04/2019

Amei <3 Não para nunca!!! Adoro seus posts/podcasts. Você não tem ideia de como me ajudou/ajuda. Abrçss

Renan G. 17/03/2019

Seus podcasts são ótimos, quando acessei o site pela primeira vez, não achei que fosses brasileira haha
O site já tem ajudado-me muito, e segue métodos assertivos. Parabéns pelo maravilhoso trabalho!

    Ana 21/09/2019

    Obrigada e muito feliz por você estar aproveitando,

Vsa 28/02/2019

Você podia marcar os podcasts como iniciante, intermediario, avançado..
Esse teve muitos termos difíceis rsr será q entraria no avançado? Contudo gostei muito, agr q estudei ele eu sei todos esses termos. E vou lembrar pra sempre: coloquei no meu celular e vou escutando todo dia pra faculdade :D

    Ana 21/09/2019

    No geral, eu recomendo os podcasts para Intermediário e acima.
    Sim, às vezes varia um pouco – mas acho que “Inter +” cobre bem no geral
    Aproveite mesmo e feliz em saber que ajuda!

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