Como falo em inglês: dei uma topada no dedo do pé

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Oct 07
Inglês Online dei uma topada no dedo do pé

How are you? No episódio de hoje, você aprende como falar de “pequenos” acidentes que acontecem corriqueiramente com nossos pés, como “torcer / distender o tornozelo” e “dar uma topada no dedo do pé”.


How are you? This is the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast.

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torci o tornozelo em inglês podcastThank you for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening.

So a couple of weeks ago I twisted my ankle while doing a gym class. It wasn’t just any gym class. It’s called Combat and it’s sort of a combination of aerobics and punching and kicking. There’s a whole lot of moving around, running and jumping, and… yeah, I ended up twisting my right ankle.

Actually, there’s an even better word to describe what  happened: I sprained my ankle. Have you ever sprained an ankle? It’s happened to me so many times I’ve lost count. When you sprain your ankle, that means you have injured a ligament around a joint in your ankle. A ligament connects one bone to another at the joint. So when you twist your foot, or your ankle beyond its limit, that might hurt your ligament and give you a so-called sprained ankle.

Like I said, that’s happened to me a number of times while I was walking, exercising, running and so on. They made me fill out an ‘incident report’ at the gym. I had to leave the class ’cause my foot and my ankle hurt.

When I got home I didn’t even put ice on it. I just had this feeling that this wasn’t too serious and I would just wait it out. So for the rest of the week I skipped the gym, and that was it. In a week or so I was back and there was no pain left.

escorreguei na casca de banana em inglêsNow, here’s another common accident involving our feet: stubbing a toe. You stub your toe when you strike it against something – let’s say, a table leg or a wall – accidentally. I don’t know which one is worse – stubbing a toe or spraining an ankle. I guess the pain from a stubbed toe is sharper, but it kinda goes away sooner. I have to say – I haven’t stubbed a toe in a while  – knock on wood!

If you walk around barefoot regularly, you’ll probably stub a toe sooner or later.

Now, before we wrap up our episode, here’s one that I have yet to see happen: slip on a banana peel. Anyone! I haven’t seen this happen to anyone and it’s never happened to me either. I grew up hearing this phrase, in Brazil, but I’ve never seen anyone actually slip on a banana peel. Have you?

I mean, I’ve seen it happen in cartoons and that’s it. So now I’m thinking this is something cartoonists made up and it doesn’t really happen in real life.

Now, tell me – which of the accidents I just described have happened to you? How did you recover? Have you sprained your ankles a million times, like I have? Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time!


Key terms

  • twist (one’s) ankle
  • sprain (one’s) ankle
  • stub (one’s) toe
  • slip on a banana peel


joint = articulação

so-called = assim chamada

wait it out = esperar isso passar, acabar

knock on wood = frase dita enquanto a pessoa bate na madeira, para ter sorte e evitar o que ela falou

julio cesar 15/10/2015

Só para contribuir, usando a palavra stub:
– toquinho de lápis – stub of a pencil
– apagar a bituca de cigarro – stub out the cigarette butt

Coincidência há mais ou menos uns 2 meses atrás me deparei com essa expressão stub one’s toe, conforme abordado
aqui no Inglesonline, aí fucei mais um pouco na net e achei mais essas duas expressões aí. : )

    Ana 26/11/2015

    Obrigada, Julio :-)
    Pois é, essas coincidências acontecem bastante quando a gente começa a estudar uma língua!

Edimilson 09/10/2015

I Like way you speak and is much enjoyable.


    Ana 26/11/2015

    Hey Edimilson… Glad you like it :)

Valter 09/10/2015

I kicked the grill of my house when I was playing soccer/futball with my son, and it took about seven months to stop feeling the pain.

    Ana 26/11/2015

    Wow! Seven months… Ooofff.

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