Inglês com Cartoons #101: Sarah will be with you in a minute

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Jan 28

Hi, all! Mais um post da série Inglês com Cartoons. Como é de costume, temos um cartoon com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo. Você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

A fala no cartoon quer dizer “A Sarah fala com você em um minuto, Jake” (tradução não literal.)

PerguntasInglês com Cartoons #101

(a) Who is Sarah? Quem é a Sarah?

(b) What’s the reason for Jake’s visit? Qual a razão da visita do Jake?

(c) Where is Jake headed after this meeting? Para onde o Jake vai após essa reunião?

Minhas respostas

(a) Sarah is a famous web designer. Sarah é uma webdesigner famosa.

(b) Jake wants to hire Sarah to design his website, which he thinks is going to become a very successful business. O Jake quer contratar a Sarah pra fazer o design de seu site, que, ele acredita, vai se tornar um negócio de muito sucesso.

(c) He’s headed to the dentist. Ele vai ao dentista.


E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas? E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior (clique na imagem ao lado) – I had a wonderful time – com todas as respostas, editadas quando necessário, para quem quiser guardar.

Gabrieli 17/11/2020

A) Sarah is a psychologist.
B) He’s getting some trouble with anxiety so he decided to come and see a psychologist.
C) He’s going on a date with his wife.

Neriane da Hora 02/05/2020

a) Sarah is the owner of a big company (a bank);
b) Jake is an entrepreneur who wants to make a loan;
c) Jake is going back to his company office.

jessica 08/12/2019

a) Sarah is a dentist
b) He has an appointment with her
c) He is going to his place

Juliana Canto 05/09/2019

(a) Sarah is your wife
(b) They will have lunch
(c) Jake returned to is work

Samuel 06/09/2016

(a) Sarah is a city’s mayor.
(b) Sarah wants to hire Jake’s services as a lobbist to help her to win reelection.
(c) H’1s headed to his office.

Elvera 21/05/2015

Hi there to every , because Ι am truly eager of reading this web site’s post to be updated regularly.
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Valter 20/03/2015

A- Sarah is a psychologist.
B- Jake is a patient of her.
C- He’s headed to his work.

carlos 17/02/2015

Sarah is a lower. Jake can be a lower too. He wants to talk to her.

jonata fontela 01/02/2015

A- Shara is a lawyer.
B- Jake wants to take someone to court.
C- he’s headed to the airport afterwards.

Roberta Julia 28/01/2015

a) Sarah is a doctor.
b) Jake sells drugs. He is show a sample to doctors and explain all information.
c) He goes to visit other doctor.

    Atila 16/03/2017

    I think de same thing!!! Lol.

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