Inglês com Cartoons #98: This is one of the CDs she gave me

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Jul 08

Hi, everybody! Hoje temos mais um post da série Inglês com Cartoons, e no de hoje, como sempre, temos uma imagem com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo. Você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Veja que eu repeti a terceira pergunta do Inglês com Cartoons #97: How long have they known each other? Repare na estrutura e significado dessa pergunta.


Inglês com Cartoons #98Perguntas

(a) Who gave Joe the CDs, and why? Quem deu CDs ao Joe, e por que?

(b) Who’s the other guy? Quem é o outro cara?

(c) How long have they known each other? Quanto tempo faz que elas se conhecem?


Minhas respostas

(a) His cousin Amelie. She went to Scotland on vacation and brought him a collection of Scottish music. A prima dele, Amelie. Ela foi à Escócia de férias  e trouxe uma coletânea de música escocesa.

(b) That’s Terrence, Joe’s buddy from childhood. É o Terrence, amigo de infância do Joe.

(c) They have known each other since they were eight years old. Eles se conhecem desde os oito anos de idade.


Esse é um dos CD’s que ela me deu.

E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?

E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – I don’t know if I’ll be able to come – com todas as respostas, editadas quando necessário, para quem quiser guardar (clique na imagem ao lado para acessar o PDF.)

Rafael 20/08/2014

A)His friend gave him the CD because it was a gift.
B)The other guy is his friend
C)The know each other since their childhood.

Leandro M.D. 10/07/2014

(a) Actually, Joe bought the CD, from a guy he met on the street; but he said that a pretty girl gave him the CD only to impress his friend…

(b) It Joe’s neighbour, a guy he wants to make a good impression.

(c) Since the other guy moved to the Joe’s neighbourhood, three months ago.

    Leandro M.D. 10/07/2014

    Ah, Ana Luiza, uma sugestão:
    acho que falta colocar neste post um link para o post “Inglês com Cartoons #97”, que você menciona no texto.
    Abraços e bom trabalho!

      Ana 22/07/2014

      Hi Leandro,
      Obrigada – é só clicar na imagem do PDf :)

Fátima Regina 09/07/2014

Good evening Ann!

a) Paul wants his friend listens to the new music he recorded, so last weekend he came at John’s house and brought them.
b) That guy over there is John’s friend.
c) They have been friends since they finished the English course they were doing.

Bye Ann!

Carol Oliveira 09/07/2014

(a) Who gave Joe the CDs, and why?
The CD was given by an acquantaince of him, Jane, who works for a record label and is trying to set up for Joe’s band to get a contract with them. This CD that Joe’s listening is from another band of the label, and Jane’s trying to show Joe the kind of music the label likes, in order to Joe’s band make some little adaptations to their own style of music to better fit the label’s taste.

(b) Who’s the other guy? Quem é o outro cara?
The other guy is Edward, the drummer of Joe’s band. Joe had told him about Jane and her contacts in the record label, and everyone else in the band was excited about it.

(c) How long have they known each other? Quanto tempo faz que elas se conhecem?
They have known each other since high school. It was then that they decided to form a band.

jonata fontela 08/07/2014

A- His best friend gave him the CD,it was a birthday gift.
B-the other guy is Mike,a coworker of him.
C-they’ve known each other for almost a year now.

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