Quando uso IN sem o THE? “In bed” e outros casos

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

May 31
Inglês - Quando uso IN sem o THE “In bed” e outros casos

Hi, everyone. No episódio de hoje, continuo falando sobre um dos assuntos mais populares e requisitados por alunos de inglês: o uso das preposições. O foco é no uso de IN nas expressões in bed, in church, in hospitalin prison / jail.


Hi – how have you all been? Here’s a new episode of the Inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to inglesonline.com.br and click Podcast Inglesonline. Today let’s take a look at very common ways to use IN regarding places. I thought it would be good to focus on those cases where there is no THE – you know, the article THE. ‘Cause we say “in the” a lot… like in the park, in the office, in the house.

So when there’s no THE, people tend to miss it. They're in bedSo let me give you this example: I gave my friend a ring, and she was still in bed. It was 11am and she was still in bed. Not “in the bed“, but just in bed. If it’s a Saturday and someone comes looking for your brother at 8am, you could say “Sorry, he’s still in bed”. Or you could say “I think he’s still asleep” but you can say “He’s still in bed”. Yesterday I stayed in bed until noon. OK, that’s just an example – I rarely stay in bed past 9am. When I wake up in the morning, I enjoy staying in bed for a few minutes before getting up. Are you the same? Do you wake up and stay in bed for a few minutes, or do you immediately get up and get going?

And, you know, sometimes when you’re sick, when you’re ill… you have to spend a lot of time, where? That’s right, in bed. When we’re sick, sometimes we have got to spend a lot of time in bed. Now, if you’re still sick after a while, you may need to be hospitalized. So let’s say that your parents take you to the hospital and check you in. So after a few days, your friend Mark gives you a ring and obviously you’re not home. Your mom gives Mark the news: you’re in hospital. She tells him that you’ve been in hospital for some time now, but you’re getting better. So that’s it: if someone’s in hospital, that means they have been hospitalized. They’re in hospital. Maybe they’ll have to spend two, three weeks in hospital. They may need to stay in hospital for the whole month.

Here’s another one: he’s in church, she’s in church. Not “in the church“, just in church. So you may call someone up and their mother, or husband, or whoever will say “Oh, she’s in church right now. She should be back in an hour.” Or maybe you’re the one who goes to church every Sunday. And maybe there’s someone in your family who doesn’t go to church with you, so while you’re in church this person is home watching TV, maybe. And let’s say your neighbors are church-goers as well. So you always see them in church. You keep running into them in church. And there are lots more people in your neighborhood that go to the same church. And you know that because you always see them in church.

And here’s one more: Jack is in prison. In prison. If you’re the kind of person who often reads the news in English, you’re probably familiar with this one. In prison, and you can say ‘in jail‘ as well, actually. Same thing. So Jack is in prison; he’s doing time in prison. You bump into an old friend, Tom, and you say “So how’s Michael doing?” Let’s say Michael is a mutual friend of yours. So you ask Tom if he knows how Michael is doing, and to your complete surprise Tom says Michael is in prison. You can’t believe what you’ve just heard. In prison? Your childhood friend Michael is… in prison! So the following week you go visit Michael. And Michael tells you that he is going to be in prison for another four years at least. I wanna hear from you, now! Have you ever stayed in bed until 1pm? Do you know anyone who’s in hospital right now? Do you happen to know anyone who’s in prison? Let us know in the comments and talk to you next time!


  • in bed
  • in hospital
  • in church
  • in prison, in jail


people tend to miss it = as pessoas costuma sentir falta dele

she’s asleep = ela está adormecida (ou como dizemos: está dormindo)

get up and get going = levanta e já vai fazendo o que tem que fazer

check you in = fazem seu check-in no hospital

church-goers = pessoas que frequentam igreja doing time = cumprindo pena

Sarah 19/04/2015

Hello, Ana. I just found your website and I loved it! I’ve learned english by myself, I can speak, listen, watch movies in english.. but I’m not 100% yet. I want to know how to improve my english, what can I do. Thank you :)

Glauber 10/03/2015

Hi Ana! I`m not sure if I got it.

We use “the” when the purpose is specify an exact location, right ? I’m in the hospital, inside the hospital. I always thinks on this way when I have to use or not this “the”. Am I right ?

    Ana 11/03/2015

    Oi Glauber,

    O THE é equivalente ao nosso O, ou A, ou OS ou AS. O significado é o mesmo.
    Só que o inglês é uma língua independente do português (é incrível que as 2 tenham as semelhanças que tem, tendo origens tão diferentes)

    Assim como em português dizemos “Estou em casa” para dizer que estamos no nosso lar (e não “Estou na casa”), no inglês se diz “He’s in prison” para “Ele está na cadeia (preso)” ou “She’s in hospital”para “Ela está internada no hospital”.
    É assim, e quanto mais vc ouvir isso sendo usado, mais vai se acostumar!

Luana 19/06/2014

Olá Ana, eu não entendi se tem alguma regra para usar o “in” ou o “in the”. Tem alguma regra ou só decorando as expressões mesmo?

Parabéns pelo seu trabalho! Eu estou aprendendo muito!

Júlia 05/06/2014

Hello Ana,

Fortunately I have anyone in hospital and in prision, but I have some friends love to stay in bed until late.

Good podcast!

I love very much your your podcasts.


Carol Kotowiski 02/06/2014

Hi, Ana! Great pod! Thank you!

I understood the word “ring” in these two examples below as “to call”. Am I correct?

“I gave my friend a ring, and she was still in bed.”

“So after a few days, your friend Mark gives you a ring and obviously you’re not home.”

    Ana 11/03/2015

    “a ring” = “a call” !

jonata fontela 02/06/2014

Hey Ana:) I can’t stand staying in bed for a long time.I like to wake up,get up and do the things I need to do, but my cousin stay in be untill afternoon when she has the chance,I don’t know how she does that..haha:)

DIogo 02/06/2014

I Stay in company all day long during the week job . On Saturday I stay out home in shopping with my wife. She’s use to buying fresh fruit and doesn’t accept nothing other than that. I’m not used to staying in bed after 7a.m. even on Sunday.

I’d like one more time thank you Ana for all you’ve done so far. Your podcast are really great and do appreciate it a lot. I’m used to listening to it everyday, at least 30 minutes while I’m working out in a walking or running daily exercise.

I sorry I haven’t found your website for once when I was looking for an online English course and ended up purchasing another one. But today your podcast is on the top of my list and I really recommend your basic course and website for anyone who’s searching for something like that.

InglesOnline is the best place to develop and improving English Skill in all over the way in my book!

Fernando Jaconete 02/06/2014

Hello Ana!

Nice post, but for me it missed the explanation about the grammar rules around the expression.
When, if is there any rule, I use “in” or “in the”.
I usualy listen a lot of english audios during my day, and much more at the weekend, so these expressions are common for me, however I’ve never had a grammar lesson about how and when to use each one!

Thanks in advance!

    Ana 11/03/2015

    Oi Fernando,

    Eu também nunca estudei as regras disso, e uso corretamente de tanto ter ouvido (assim como uso corretamente de, para, com, etc no português sem nunca ter estudado regra)

    A regra é, use “IN THE” a não ser para “hospital, prison, jail, church e bed”

    Ana 07/04/2015

    Oi Fernando,
    Acabei de ver que a minha resposta ficou meio direta demais e pode ter soado meio ríspida. Eu só estava querendo dizer que, no fim das contas, o que vai te ajudar não é ficar estudando regra de gramática, mas sim aumentar sua exposição à língua (de preferencia através de Listening compreensível, como eu descrevo nas dicas Como Falar Inglês). Se vc quiser mais regras mesmo, tem uma dica no blog sobre “artigo definido” (use a busca para encontrá-lo) e no site http://www.gramarnet.com tem mais regras.
    Abs (e desculpe o mau jeito!!)

marizete 01/06/2014

thankyou, I enjoyed a lot, and I improving my English.

Thiago 01/06/2014

Thank you very much for the great work you do!!!

Waldir Turim Jr 31/05/2014

Prof. Ana: eu quase que entendi tudo (20%…rsrsrsr)… estou progredindo!!!!

    Ana Luiza 01/06/2014

    Você é meu aluno no Curso Básico – só posso te dar parabéns por ter entendido 20% desse pod, que é nível intermediário pra cima!
    Abs :-)

Fátima Regina 31/05/2014

Hello Ann, good night! What’s up!

This is my example: “I don’t get up early on Saturdays, I usually stay in bed for some hours than the usual, but on Sundays I get up early to to go to church and I stay in church all morning long.”
Thanks Ann and good Sunday!

    Ana Luiza 01/06/2014

    So if anyone wants to see Fátima on a Sunday morning – they will find her in church :-)

      Fátima Regina 01/06/2014

      Yep! kkkkkk

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