Como falo em inglês: E daí?

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Oct 27
Como falo em inglês E daí

Hello, everybody. Obrigada pelos comentários sobre o formato diferente do episódio da semana passada! Muitos de vocês provavelmente não sabem disso ainda, mas eu utilizo muito esse formato no meu Curso Básico Inglês Online – explico, dou exemplo, pergunto, dou mais exemplo, falo de novo, apresento mais uma atividade, etc. É um formato de que gosto muito, já que facilita a compreensão e favorece a exposição repetida do aluno ao conteúdo de inglês. Acredito que a opinião geral foi positiva – de vez em quanto, então, teremos um desses ;)

Agora, sobre o episódio de hoje: muita gente viu o título e imaginou que o episódio será sobre a expressão So what?, que é traduzida, sim, como “E daí?”. Só que não é apenas sobre essa expressão que vou falar. É também sobre uma outra, com o verbo care, que pode ser traduzida como “E daí?” também. Read on :)


Hi, how are you? Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to and click Podcast Inglesonline.

So today let’s talk about an expression that could be translated as “E daí?” I’m not talking about So what? although that is a great expression as well, and it does mean “E daí?” When someone says to you “I love my new shoes but I’m not going to wear them tonight because… they’re too colorful”. Yeah, let’s say your friend Joanna is hesitant to wear her new shoes because they’re too colorful and shiny and she’s worried people will talk. You guys are going to the theater tonight, let’s say it’s a formal event, and most people will be dressed in black. Your friend Joanna has these new red and yellow shoes that she’s dying to wear, but she’s concerned that people will talk.

So you just say to her “So what? Who cares if people talk? Just put on your new shoes and enjoy them”. Who cares? I don’t care. Do you care? Who cares if people talk about your shoes? Don’t worry about what other people will think. If you feel like wearing your new, colorful shoes tonight, just go ahead and wear them, and enjoy them! And Joanna asks “What if people talk?” And you tell her “Let them talk! At least you’re giving them something to talk about”. Who cares if they talk?

So you’re a girl and you have been invited to a party tonight and you think your dresses aren’t good enough for the party? If you really wanna go, I’ll bet some of your friends would say “Who cares? Just go anyway”. Now, there are some places that really do require we dress appropriately, as a form of being respectful. I guess showing up to a wedding in bermuda shorts and flip-flops would be disrespectful in most cases. In other cases, however, it is ok to dress following your own style or with a bit of character. It all depends on the situation, I guess. What is your opinion on the subject? I think some situations, or events, are more flexible than others. What I know is, I once went to an event where all the women – that’s right, all the women – were wearing night gowns, and I was wearing pants. That’s right, I didn’t have a night dress at the time and my date said to me “So what? Who cares? Just put on your black pants and no one will notice”. Well… I followed his advice and I can tell you that some people did notice. I remember getting a look of disapproval from someone but I have to say, it didn’t bother me that much. In the end, I agreed with him. So what? Who cares? The event we were attending wasn’t that formal, it wasn’t such a big deal… Who cares if I was wearing pants?

And here are a couple of expressions with CARE that I think many people will be familiar with: one is Take care. When you say good-bye to someone, you can also say Take care!. The other expression is I couldn’t care less. I’ve already mentioned this one in a previous post, and I’d like to provide a few examples today. We could translate I couldn’t care less as “Não tô nem aí”. That’s pretty much what it means. You know what? I couldn’t care less if everyone is gonna be dressed in black suits tonight; I’m gonna wear my red dress and yellow shoes. Who cares? I couldn’t care less. There’s no way I could care any less about this. I couldn’t care less. So we’re going to that new Mexican restaurant tonight and everyone’s going to order fajitas? I couldn’t care less. I like tacos and that’s what I’m going to order: tacos. I know the example is a little silly but what I’m trying to illustrate is that when you’re in a situation where it looks like you’re the only one making a certain choice; when everyone else has a different opinion from yours; when you’re expected to act a certain way and you actually don’t feel like acting that way; well… these are all situations where you could say “I couldn’t care less. I’m gonna do what I think is right; I’m gonna take the course of action that I wanna take regardless of what other people think”. I couldn’t care less.

Just a note here: many people, including natives, say “I could care less” instead of “I couldn’t care less”. “I could care less” is not right, since it expresses that you could actually care less than you do. The correct way to say it is “I couldn’t care less”. So how about you give us some of your own examples in the comments? Talk to you next time!


  • So what?
  • Who cares?



people will talk = as pessoas vão comentar

night gown = vestido de festa

my date = a pessoa (no meu caso, homem) que me acompanhou ao evento

Carol 01/11/2013

I found it strange, because what he really meant was ” I Couldn’t care less”

    Ana 07/11/2013

    Hi Carol,
    Good catch! It does sound strange (I could care less) once you get the meanings of both expressions. Well, “I could care less” isn’t an actual expression, I think :)

Carol 01/11/2013

I remember I was watching a TV show and then one character said ” I could care less” to a group os students that was in detention at school ,

Paulo Ediel 01/11/2013


Quero agradecer pelo excelente material. Comecei a ouvir a pouco tempo e tomei uma decisão. Estava estudando na englishtown mas não me adaptei ao método. Estou convencido que passar a maior parte do tempo com Listening vai me levar a alcançar meu objetivo..Falar inglês. Como meu inglês é básico/intermediário, ouço os seus podcast por compreender mais de 80%. Estava ouvindo o , achei um pouco mais difícil. Estou de dedicando aos seus, ouvindo e reouvindo até adquirir. .. (qual site, no mesmo nível que o seu, vc indica?)Você acha que estou no caminho certo? eu já li as suas dicas do site e isso me ajudou a me convencer.


    Ana 07/11/2013

    Maravilha, Paulo. Você só tem a ganhar. E mesmo q vc comece a fazer alguma aula ou curso, o Listening só acrescenta, qualquer q seja o estilo de aula q você tenha. Veja na série de dicas Como Falar Inglês os podcasts que eu recomendo em vários níveis.

Marivan 29/10/2013

“DATE” in dictionary is a verb and mean NAMORAR in our portuguese language… so, in the case that you have used as a naum, its meaning always will be used to people who fallow a person(in any situation), or was it used as a boyfriend meaning (and you just said: a person that fallow me)?

    Ana 07/11/2013

    HI Marivan

    Date pode ter o significado de encontro (para almoço, para um jantar a dois, para uma saída qualquer), e pode ser romântico ou não :)

Jennifer 29/10/2013

Hi, Ana!!Well, one thing I learned it : we never can pleasure everybody at the same time, so I do what is right to me and that is enough.People who knows me ,they like me anyway.Others people… I couldn’t care less about them opinion.But some good sense is always necessary.Kisses!!!

    Ana 07/11/2013

    That is awesome. Good for you!!

Fátima Regina 28/10/2013

I am gonna tell my opinion, I couldn’t care less people can say.
This is just an example but I care!

    Ana 07/11/2013

    Hi Fátima,

    You are not alone :-)

Davi 28/10/2013

Good evening, Ana,

I didn’t understand that phrase ” since it expresses that you could actually care less than you do”. could you do explain me, please?

Thank you.

    Ana 07/11/2013

    “I could care less” quer dizer “Eu conseguiria ligar menos (pra alguma coisa)”

    “I couldn’t care less” quer dizer “eu não conseguiria ligar menos”, ou seja, eu ligo tão pouco pra isso (é quase um desprezo) que não dá pra eu ligar menos. Daí vem “I couldn’t care less”

Luis 28/10/2013

Obrigado,seu site sempre me ajuda muito.
Continue com o ótimo trabalho espalhando conhecimento.

Até mais

    Ana 07/11/2013

    Valeu, Luis,

Rafaela Goes 28/10/2013

Muito legal o podcast dessa semana. (I couldn’t care less) very cool.

    Ana 07/11/2013

    HI Rafaela! Thanks.

Marivan 27/10/2013

De tanta expectativa… já estava pensando que não fosse mais haver podcast para esta semana srsrs :)


    Ana 07/11/2013

    Ufa, Marivan, aí está!

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