Praticando inglês: Passado de verbos irregulares

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Oct 18
Praticando inglês Passado de verbos irregulares

Hi, all. Hoje eu vou testar uma ideia diferente nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online: vou fazer uma atividade com alguns dos verbos irregulares mais comuns do inglês. Aguardo comentários, feedback, sugestões, etc. Conforme for, é um formato que pode começar a aparecer de vez em quando aqui no site!


Hi, how are you? Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to and click Podcast Inglesonline.

So here’s what we’re gonna do today: work those irregular verbs a little bit. Not all of them, of course. I’ve selected five of them and I’m gonna give you examples where I use them in the infinitive form and in the simple past form. Then, I’m gonna ask you a couple of questions and, if you feel ready, you can give them a shot and say your answer out loud.

This may be too easy for you – maybe you’re completely fluent as far as irregular verbs are concerned. What I say to you in that case is… listening to this episode can’t hurt. For everyone else, here’s the activity:

1. Bring: let’s get started with bring. Past tense: brought. Yesterday Mary brought her computer home with her. It usually stays in the office but yesterday she brought it home. So give me a full answer to this question: What did Mary bring home yesterday?  She brought home her computer. My friend came to visit yesterday and brought me flowers. Yep, she brought me flowers. So what did my friend bring me yesterday? Full answer! She brought me flowers.

So how are you doing?

2. Take: let’s look at take now. Past tense: took. John took me to the opera last night. Yep, he took me to the opera. And Jennifer took offense when our teacher said that women are physically weaker than men. She took offense when the teacher said that. Alright, so where did John take me last night? He took me to the opera. John took me to the opera. And what happened when the teacher said that women are physically weaker than men? Jennifer took ofense. She took offense.

3. Come: the past form of come is came. My housemate Kate came down with the flu last week. She came down with the flu. So what did Kate come down with last week? Full answer: she came down with the flu. Kate came down with the flu. My sister came home early last night. She came home early. So did my sister come home late last night? Full answer, everyone. No, she didn’t come home late. She came home early last night.

4. Go: it’s go now. Past form: went. Simple: Where’s Jake? He went to the toilet. Jake went to the toilet. And last month a couple of my friends went to Campos do Jordão. So where did Jake go? Jake went to the toilet. He went to the toilet. And where did my friends go last month? They went to Campos do Jordão. My friends went to Campos do Jordão.

5. Say: our last verb of today is say. Past form: said. Again: said. One more time: said. My teacher said this morning that we’re doing very well. She said we’re doing very well. So what did my teacher say? She said we’re doing very well. What did she say? She said we’re doing very well. And my friend Annie said her favorite browser is Internet Explorer. That’s what she said. What did Annie say? She said her favorite browser is Explorer. Again: What did she say? She said Explorer is her favorite browser.

Now, I’m curious: how did you do? Were you able to answer all the questions fast? Let us know in the comments, and talk to you next time!


  • brought, took, came, went, said
Roberto Crescioni 16/11/2013

Oi, Ana Luíza.
Parei de receber via e-mail as lições deste excelente curso de inglês.
A última recebida é esta, do dia 18/10/2013.
Gostaria de continuar recebendo-as, pelo que de antemão agradeço.

Crisley alves 05/11/2013

Hi, I have never written anything here, but I must say that your site helps a lot. I’m sharing the site with all my friends who like to study and learn new things about English.

Obs: “That’s what she said.”

I learned this expression last month and I really liked, the way the guy explained this expression was “funny”, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I think you should write something about this expression.

See you and keep up the good work. : )

Paulo Ediel 01/11/2013

Quero agradecer pelo excelente material.
Estudo na englishtown mas não me adptei ao formato. Após ler suas dicas e ouvir seus podcast me convenci de que o caminho para falar inglês é o listening. Eu comecei a ouvir seus podcast por entender mais de 80 %. Ouço e reouço. Também ouço mas acho um pouco mais difícil. Quero a principio continuar ouvindo os seus até “adquirir” o conteúdo. Se existir outros podcast no mesmo nível dos seus por favor me avise? Estou decidido..decidido mesmo a me dedicar ao listening e você é participante de minha decisão.



Ricardo 31/10/2013

Adorei, ainda tou numa fase enbrionaria do ingles.obgado

Lucia Cerri 25/10/2013

I was able to answer very well , thanks my friend!

Caroline Pinheiro Kotowiski 24/10/2013

Ana, I really liked this podcast format. I think you can make more of this kind of podcast. It really help us. Thank you for spend your time sharing your knowledge!

Paloma 23/10/2013

Amei esse post! Pois tenho dificuldades em conjugar o verbo no passado! Espero que você possa repetir esse formato e essa materia very soon!!

Alexandre 23/10/2013

Hi, Ana..

First of, I d´like to say that you are a blessing for all of us who is in doubt about
the use of the English language and I do not miss one podcast. I have them all
in my pad together with the other podcast that you make part, that is ( EnglishExpert ) with Alessandro.

Since you talked about “grammar” on this podcast, I would like to know, if it´s possible, of course, when to
use this estructure: ” you are to give his name, John ” Is it the same as or can I replace this sentence for this one?: “you are supposed to give his name John” ? It sounds quite strange for me.

Thank you Ana

You are simply the best, ever.

A propos, when I first listend to you podcast, I got amazed by your perfect speach. Great !!!

Fátima Regina 22/10/2013

Yes, I am able to answer fast questions with Simple Past, because it is easy for me.
Ann, I love your podcast.
Thank you for your patience to give us these podcasts.

Tucha 21/10/2013

Adorei. Bom para aprender

dbarboni 20/10/2013

Não concordo com o Mauricio. O podcast da Ana é voltado para quem tem nível intermediário. Até para quem já fala bem, é importante revisar sempre a gramática mais básica, principalmente porque ela foi objetiva e falou tudo em inglês, ou seja, uma forma segura de realmente assimilar e revisar o conteúdo que muitas vezes falamos errado sem perceber. Minha opinião é que me ajudou muito este podcast. Obrigado Ana Luíza

Ricka 20/10/2013

Yeah good enough i think we’re used to this verbs and you gave us some tips , but every once in a while i catch myself making this mistakes between simple and past tense

jonata fontela 19/10/2013

hi Ana eu gostei pra caramba,e bom porque prende mais a nossa atencao,obriga nossa cachola a pensar mais…lol vo achar legal se tiver mais podcast assim!!!!!!!!!

Mauricio Maniglia 18/10/2013

*mas na minha opinão

Mauricio Maniglia 18/10/2013

Ana, esse formato é legal, mas na opnião ele devia ser adicional ao podcast tradicional, esse formato é uma boa pra quem tá começando, mas pra quem já tem uma base boa no inglês fica um pouco chato, sei lá, acho que é porque eu me acostumei com vc falando no gas sem parar. Só uma sugestão.

Jonata fontela 18/10/2013

Hi Ana!achei bem legal essa ideia porque prende mais a nossa atencao e faz nossa cabeca pensar em ingles pra dar as respostas.:)
acho q eu fui bem,consegui responder a maioria direitinho…
Vô achar legal se vc fizer mais podcasts assim;)

Ana Avelar 18/10/2013

I’m not able to answer this question fast… But I gonna listen this podcast other days still it be naturally!

I liked this podcast a lot!


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