I’m having fun reading some comments here..
Thanks for posting such interesting topics, Ana. You’re the best!
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho, comecei a ouvir seus podcasts e estou adorando.
Não entendi o que significa a última frase: Likely because they are attracted to the overty sexuality of such jerks.
Hi, Ana,
Mesmo não querendo ser bonzinho, eu prefiro ceder algumas vezes.
Quando uma discussão “esquenta,” cada qual defendendo seus pon-
tos-de-vista, uma simples discussão pode se tornar mais séria, e as
consequências todos já sabemos.
Em certos momentos, quem ganha não leva e quem perde não fica
mais pobre. Ganhar só para dizer ” ganhei “é pura perda de tempo.
I couldn’t disagree more with it. If the people continue thinking like that about the men, the relationship between woman and man will get worst because the men can believe that as well and it would be so bad. :)
When women use their instinct to choose men they’ll go for the bad ones. Whereas when they use their reason they’ll go for the nice guys. That’s what I read and somewhat agree. So nice guys just have to wait for the right time. :D
Ira, I don’t know… I think it really depends on the woman. I’ve never been attracted to “bad boys”, I swear… Eles me dão prequiça, hahahah
The last ones will come first when it comes to love and sex once someone who a woman deems to be assertive might leave her alone for more assertiveness when she needs him most but,deep , a relationship depends of everyone´s way facing off life and behavior . Not everything is for everyone . Saulo´s comment has too much to do with the reality.
I believe it’s not about being “nice” or “bad”, I disagree with the expression, because sometimes we, women or men, get falling in love with someone who is not the dream’s guy/ girl. the point is: there is not a rule about it. Congrats Ana!
Thanks 4 posting nice themes, they used to turn into a interesting topic to chat about it :)
Yes, I know some guys like this phrase
It’s so true. Sometime some nice guys are so beautiful, but women don’t want them, because they are not the a “bad man”. Women don’t like men who give them so much attention, so many kisses, etc. I know every women dream with a man like this, but when they get it, they aren’t welcome.
Are you sure, Walter? Hey, women! Am I the only one who likes a nice guy??
Hi Ana! Nice guys and pushover are related?
“Nice” as expressed in the saying – yeah, that would mean the guy is a pushover.
I don’t really believe in these “nice guys”I think they use this character only when it’s interesting for them. I think it’s a way to look different, you know, a kind of mask! But, I agree, women are attracted by stronger personality, right?
Wow, really Marilene? Hmmm, I think sometimes guys are just nice..
I agree with the saying! Women prefer the “bad guys”, I don’t know why, but it’s true.
Not all women, Saulo…!
I disagree with the saying as well,but sometimes,people (especially woman)get confuse and can’t differentiate kindness from weakness.It’s a shame!!!! Kisses!
Interesting point, Jennifer… That could be true.
Hi, Ana! I think, as you said, it depends on the meaning someone uses the term “nice guy”. When i read this pop psychology I feel there’s some sort of sexism, ’cause in other words it says women like men who treat them bad ( what I guess it’s not true). Of course, nobody likes someone who doesnt have “personality” and avoiding confrontation all the time isnt a good way to show who you really are. So I disagree with this expression related to relationships.
Great comment, Luan. I agree with you (which means I disagree with the saying [discordo do ditado])