Inglês com Cartoons #92: You’ve chosen a great set of locks

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Sep 20

Hi, everyone! No cartoon de hoje, como sempre, temos uma imagem com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo. Você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #92Perguntas

(a) Why is this woman changing her locks? Porque essa mulher está mudando as trancas?

(b) What is her neighborhood like?  Como é o bairro dela?

(c) Does she enjoy living in it? Ela gosta de morar lá?

Minhas respostas

(a) It’s just a habit she’s (she has) had her whole life: every two years, she changes all her locks. É só um hábito que ela sempre teve: a cada dois anos ela muda todas as trancas/cadeados.

(b) It’s very safe, actually. É muito segura, na verdade.

(c) Sort of. She thinks it’s too quiet for her taste. Mais ou menos. Ela acha que é muito quieta para o gosto dela.


E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?

E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – This is great exercise – com todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser guardar.

Valter 23/08/2014

1- She suspects that some of her neighbors act in the world of crime.
2- Some of the neighbors scream and play very loud music.
3- She doesn’t like so much, but their children studying close and her husband likes the place.

Jennifer 23/09/2013

Because she lost her keys
The neighborhood is a litlle noisy ,but she thinks that is a safe place to live
Yes,she have living there since her marriage.

    Jennifer 23/09/2013

    Sorry,I mean she HAS.

Sergio Gueeds 22/09/2013

A- because the old ones weren´t working accordingly.
B- they are trustworthy and the door´s lock change hadn´t to do with them.
C-Yeah, she loves those people who live closeness her home , seeing them as of her own family

Fátima Regina 21/09/2013

a) Because she is afraid for being robbed.
b) Sure, it is not safe.
c) I think so, because she is changing the lock or maybe she doesn’t have money to buy another house.

Débora 21/09/2013

a) Because her home has been burgled.
b) It’s very dangerous.
c) She doesn’t like in the last few years.

jonata fontela 20/09/2013

A-because she’s afraid of thieves and wants to feel safer.
B-her neighborhood is a good place to live but it’s getting dangerous lately…
C-she really loves living there because she grew up in that place and all her family live there too and she has lot of friends.

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