Uma das características do brasileiro em geral além da desonestidade, levar vantagem, é so ver as estaticas das empresas particulares e do governo e comparar com as ruas da maioria das cidades do Brasil inclusive São Paulo e comparar com as ruas da Europa, que são civilizados, limpos e vc tem acesso a serviços publicos de qualidade, por esse motivo eu já teria mudado de país a muito tempo se tivesse oportunidade, amigos que moram no Canada e Estados Unidos, que conseguiram legalidade para morar e emprego nem pensam em voltar., motivo:impunidade, criminosos não acontecem nada, corrupção na policia e governo, os piores serviços publicos, saúde oe educação do mundo, sujeira e buracos nas ruas, hoje tem até arrastão nos bares e restaurantes de São Paulo, etc.
Ana, acabei de ver um PV muito parecido num site e lembrei do clean up after. Depois de ter lido sua dica, tendo um significado bem parecido, eu entendi na hora o que significava o bendito!!!
“If you’re not ready to teach your kids to pick up after themselves, you’re not ready to have kids.”
Super valeu pela dica!
Exato, Thais :)
“Pick up after themselves” = pegar/catar o que elas mesmas jogaram no chão
Hi, where I live people clean up after their dogs, however my child stepped on a dirt of a dog in my apartment’s garage another day. Maybe the dog’s owner hadn’t had seen the dirt, but it’s very nasty have to go through it…
I think people should respect each other.
Great comment, Paula… Yep, it’s nice when dog owners clean up after their dogs.
Hi Ana,
Unfortunately where I live (Salvador, Bahia) is not usually people clean up after their dogs.
Yesterday, for example, I was in a park near my house with my kid and I had to cleaned up after some else’s dog, because the shit was right in the way my son was biking. There was an unpleasant situation.
I think, most brazilian don’t have the habit of cleaning up after their dogs.
Best wishes,
Agreed, Cicero…
And it is very nice when people clean up after their dogs (or themselves!!)
I’m sorry Ana, but what did you mean when you wrote (or themselves!!)? Are you trying to say that people here in Salvador do their needs on the streets?
NO…! :) Clean up after yourself isn’t just about “doing your needs”, hahah. It’s about any mess someone might make, like throwing a popsicle stick (=palito de picolé) on the floor, or making a mess when you eat mango, then you throw the pit (caroço) somewhere, etc.