Podcast: Usando WITH no final da frase em inglês

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Feb 15
Podcast Usando WITH no final da frase em inglês

What’s up? Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online eu falo sobre o uso de WITH no fim de sentenças em inglês.


Hello, all. Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone and iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app.

So I was exchanging emails today with someone I’m working on a project with. OK, let me repeat this sentence: I was exchanging emails today with someone I’m working on a project with. So did you notice I ended the sentence with the word WITH? That happens a lot in English. I’m working on a project WITH this guy. I’m working on a project WITH him. This guy is someone I’m working on a project with. If we translated this sentence literally into Portuguese, we’d have something like “Esse cara é uma pessoa que eu estou trabalhando num projeto COM”. That sounds weird, doesn’t it? We don’t do that in Portuguese, it’s sort of… counter-intuitive.

In English, however, it’s done very often – you’ll hear lots of people ending their sentences with WITH, ABOUT, OF, IN… So today I’d like to give you guys a few examples to illustrate just that and hopefully help you become a bit more familiar with that kind of structure. So my focus today will be on “with”. So check this out: I’m gonna start with a few examples of sentences that use WITH the “normal” way, so to speak. So just listen:

  • I’m working on a project with this guy.
  • We went to Buenos Aires with Anthony.
  • When I was in college I shared a room with this girl.

Just pay attention to how I used WITH in these three sentences: with this guy, with Anthony, with this girl. I’m doing something with this guy – what am I doing with this guy? I’m working on a project with him. We did something with Anthony. What did we do with Anthony? We went to Buenos Aires with him. And when I was in college I did something with this girl. What did I do with her? I shared a room with this girl. So this girl I shared I room with… She was from São Paulo and we became really good friends. This guy I’m working on a project with… he’s a webdesigner. And Anthony… Anthony is the guy we went to Buenos Aires with.

I’d like to ask you to think of your own examples. You went to school with… Joãozinho, Maria, Luciana. So what about the kids you went to school with? Where are they now? For those of you who have jobs… you work with other people at the office or wherever it is you work. Who are these people? Who are these people you work with? And think about the last time you went to a bar or nightclub or restaurant. Most likely you were with other people. So, these people you went out with… Who are they?

So here are my own answers to those questions: I went to school with Lucy and Rose. I’ll tell you more about these two ladies I went to school with: one is a dentist and the other one is a manager. Now, who do I work with, currently? I work with a guy who’s a webdesigner. Here’s some information about this guy I work with: he has one child, a boy. And the third question was about the last time I went out – I went out for dinner with a friend.  So, who is this friend I went out with? She’s an old friend.. we’ve been friends for many years and we first met when we were both teenagers.

Listen again to these questions: Who did you go to school with? Who do you work with, currently? Who did you go out with, last Saturday… or Sunday? Here’s how you can start your sentences: I’m gonna tell you more about this person I went to school with. I’m gonna tell you something about this guy I work with. Or… there’s nothing to tell about this girl I went out with…  Talk to you next time!


See also: WHO e WHOM: Você sabe a diferença?

Key Expressions

  • the person I’m doing something WITH



wherever it is you work = onde quer que seja o lugar onde você trabalha

Diogo Higino 21/02/2013

Hi Ana, thank you for posting such a good podcasts that have inculcate me work with often.

I have told my friends about your course and always advise new students to attend your podcasts in order to keep them up to dates. I have no doubt your podcasts is one of the most important material I have been found ever.

I’ll suggest you something, although I don’t feel well prepared yet to propose something like that, but there is a first time for everything. Of course I have been read these days about a word that you have used in your podcasts before, but it is not clear its use at all. I’m refering about the word “none”. If you could focus it through your week releases, I’ll feel very thankful.

Congratulation for your current excellent performance.

Wanderley 21/02/2013

Oi Ana, eu gostaria que você traduzisse pra mim o que significa “Here’s to never growing up”. Me ajude por favor, tô precisando… Ou alguém aqui dos comentários!!!

    Diogo Higino 21/02/2013

    Olá Wanderley, deixa eu tentar te ajudar. Se você não estiver tratando de um phrasal verb, a tradução seria mais ou menos a seguinte: “Nada muda por aqui ou aqui novamente mais nada está crescendo/mudando”.

    I hope to be useful these expressions anyway.

      Wanderley 24/02/2013

      eee, valeu Diogo!!! Fiquei com um sorriso enorme… =D

Gisele 20/02/2013

Hi Ana!

Can I say both: “This is the guy I´m working with”, and “This is the guy who I´m working with”?


Jennifer 19/02/2013

Hi, Ana! Well,I’m gonna tell you about the guys I went out with :they are the same guys I used to go out since I was a teenager.So it was around…doesn’t matter.They are a couple of old friends mine.Nice people!Kisses!!!

André 19/02/2013

Hi, Ana!
Well, my friends from the high school I’ve not had contact with. However, after that time, I made great friends and we had some bands together.
Manahim, Silvio and Luis I played with for many years.

Luis and Manahim still play together and we’ve not met for a long time. Silvio works with computer programs at HP and I’ve

got out on night to have diner with alway that it’s possible.
Please, I’m not sure if it’s correct, so, could you help me?

Jeff 18/02/2013

Hello Ana! Hope you’re doing well. C:

Let me tell you about a girl who I went out with: She is a 23 year-old-girl who lives in Austria, she was enjoying her days off from University in Brazil to get familiar with some amazing places such as Rio, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.

By the way I love that structure of putting the prepositions at the end of the sentence! It’s good to know because our writting look like more american. :P

Wilson 17/02/2013

Hi Ana. How have you been? I hope really well.

I’m really big fan of your podcasts. They’re really something!

This time, I’m gonna give me a chance to write something. By the way, I’should do that more, but I’m not good at it.

1- I’m gonna tell you more about this person I went to school with: He lives in Viana-MA with his family. He has three children. He is self-employed, he sells chickens… you know!? He is a very nice guy, hilarious and friendly. We haven’t seen each other a long time. Since I moved to Rio, in 2004, I’ve been in Maranhão 2 or 3 times. I hope see him at the end of the year.
2-About the people I work with: well, there is one guy which I really don’t like. The company I work for is not a dog-eat-dog environment. As the guy do his tasks very very very slowly, my boss usually demands more things from me. Why my boss don’t fire him and hires another guy? Anyway, at least I got a promotion last year.
3- There is nothing to tell about the person I went out with.

Ana I took one hour and half to writing these words. As I said, I’m not good at writing. So fell free to correct me!

Have a wonderful day!!

Andre Felipe 15/02/2013

Nossa, essa era uma das minhas duvidas mais pertinente e ninguém melhor do que vc para explicar isso. Obrigado Ana Luiza :D

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