Muito bom o post. Um dos melhores que eu já ouvi na categoria de ensinar inglês. Conhecem algum sobre espanhol? Vou viajar para Argentina em 1 ano e queria melhorar o espanhol :(
The best podcast ever teaching us how to study English!
Parabens pelo site, estou aprendendo bastante aqui. Só tenho é que agradecer mesmo mas também vou aproveitar para tirar uma duvida. No texto acima tem esta passagem: “I asked him to implement a new feature on the website” No caso ai minha duvida é em relação a palavra feature. No dicionario Macmillan eu encontrei:
1 – an important part or aspect of something
2 – [USUALLY PLURAL] a part of your face such as your eyes, nose, or mouth
3 – a newspaper or magazine article that concentrates on a particular subject
4 – OLD-FASHIONED the main movie that you see after a short movie at a movie theater
Pelo contexto acredito que o significado que mais se encaixa é o do item 3. Seria isso mesmo? Se eu fosse tentar traduzir seria algo do tipo: “Pedi que ele colocasse no site um novo artigo/post”
Obrigado pela atenção.
Abraço e mais uma vez parabens.
Hello Ana Luiza
I do thought very interesting your podcast, as all that I have seen from you. I didn´t know this expression and I have lived some situation together with my family that I have said “I spoke too soon”. Mainly when you have children, I have a couple of children, and every time it has occurred with me, for example, one day in the past, we (I and my wife was going to the Mass) sometime occurs any unforeseen when we are going to the Mass and those moment the situation was very well, nothing unmoral had occurred yet. When we arrived at Church, my daughter stepped at a puddle, in front of the Church. Certainly I have said “I spoke too soon”.
When we thought that the situation is under control, probably we will have reasons to say, I spoke too soon.
I cannot dowload the podcast :(
Click com o botão direito sobre “baixar mp3” e, quando aparecer as opções, escolha “salvar link como…”. Irá abrir uma janela dos seus documentos, então, salve numa pasta em seu computador. Espero ter ajudado, pois não sei se fui suficientemente didático.
Obrigada pela ajuda!
hi Ana….
very usefull your podcast i am learn a lot..thanks
Hi, Ana,
I have an example of ‘speaking of the devil’, but
not as the same way: I was speaking to a neighbor a-
bout another person’s behavior that annoyed me very much.
After finishing my speech I realized that I’ve been after
that person, who’ve heard everything said.
Please, what means “behavior”?
Thank you!
Hi Ana! I think these podcasts are wonderful!!!
But, would you help me with a grammar question?
When we use the past form of the verb and when we’ve to use the auxiliar verb “did”? Have any difference? Once a teacher tell us in class that he forgot how to say “read” in the past form, so he used “did read”, but he tell us that it sounds a bit strange, like he was expressing something different or wrong. Is it true?
Not different or wrong… Nope!
“did read” –> DID is used for emphasis, and it is correct grammar.
Please look up my tip about “auxiliares” (faz uma busca por “auxiliares além das short answers” pois eu falo sobre isso)
I am learning this (did read for emphasis) now.
thanks very much, Ana Luiza.
Hi Ana!I had just comment with my husband about the good behave of my little boy, when all of a sudden my boy call me to show me that he was able to cook him own meal.He has six.Can you imagine about the mess? I really spoke too soon.Kisses
hahahahahah…. good one~!!
Amazing podcast as ever… good job Ana Luíza, I love your site and I have improved my english
very much since I started to listen to the podcasts. Thanks a lot and Congrats..
Happy to hear that ;))