To improve quality of service mechanisms to ensure smooth transition of data and phone calls right over the
Web rather phone system queue than using a traditional phone line.
If phone system queue the first location the call is even answered.
Voice Mail: This feature allows the callers to leave voice messages.
Ana suas explicações são perfeitas, vc consegue perceber a dúvida q o aluno teria e já a transforma em explicação!!! Adoro cada vez mais o seu site. Vc deveria escrever um livro didático, seria muito superior aos que nós temos! Muito obrigada por essas lições incríveis.
Hi, everybody!
I did a hard test last month, a few people had a good scoring on it and by the grace of God I was one of them.
It was a great victory for me, I studied a lot, so I brought it on myself.
Hi, Ana,
I’ve face a big touble a few years ago. I have my house made without
planning nothing. I can say that I brought this on myself.
Thanks for this useful podcast.
Good example, Raymundo;)
Olá profº Ana Luiza. Estaria correta a frase: “I brought hurts to myself because my attitude was wrong”. no sentido de que a dor sentimental foi porque a minha atitude estava errada.
Oi Jessica,
Eu não lembro de ter ouvido uma estrutura assim, mas creio q vc poderia dizer “I brought myself hurt and pain”, algo assim…