Como digo em inglês: Não vou esquentar a cabeça com isso

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Oct 03
Como digo em inglês Não vou esquentar a cabeça com isso

Hi, all. Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online eu falo sobre mais expressões em inglês com o verbo lose, como “não vou esquentar a cabeça com isso” e “fulano não sabe perder”.


Hey, everybody. How have you guys been? Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to and click Podcast Inglesonline.

Today we’re tackling a couple more expressions with lose. When someone tells you to not worry about something they may say Don’t lose any sleep over it. That’s easy to understand, right? Don’t lose any sleep over it. Example: your wife tells you that your kid Timmy has been getting in trouble in school and today he came home with a note. His teacher, Ms. Johnson, says Timmy pulled Mary’s hair and Mary started to cry. Your wife is kinda worried about it, but you tell her “This isn’t a big deal. Remember a while back when Mary pushed Timmy and Ms. Johnson called us? Even we didn’t think it was a big deal. I think Ms. Johnson is overreacting again and, frankly, I’m not gonna lose any sleep over this. Unless Mary’s parents give us a call… then it’s a different story.”

So what did you just say? You just told your wife not to worry. You just told her you were not going to lose any sleep over it. This is a very common and useful idiomatic expression when you want to express that you don’t think something is that big of a deal, when you don’t think something is that serious. You may say “Hey, this isn’t a big deal and I’m not gonna lose any sleep over it”. And you will also notice that you frequently hear people say this in the negative form, to communicate they aren’t gonna worry much about something. It’s not that common to hear people say “Oh, I’m gonna lose sleep over this problem”, but you might hear someone say “I might lose some sleep over this” or “This is gonna make me lose some sleep”.

So if someone tells you “They said schools are raising tuitions again next year”… You hear that and figure there’s a lot that can happen before the end of the year. So you tell your friend “Hmm… we’ll see. I’m not gonna lose any sleep over that.” Another friend says “I’ve heard it on the news that the so-called potable water we drink is actually full of nasty bacteria”. You look at your friend and say “Yeah, I wouldn’t lose any sleep over that. We’ve been drinking this water for a long time and… we’re fine.” And yet another friend says “Some South-American civilization predicted the world would end in 2012”. You ask your friend “Did they give the exact date?”. Your friend doesn’t know, so you say “I’m not losing any sleep over that. With any luck, if that really happens I’ll be asleep and won’t even know the world has ended”.

So can you think of anything someone’s told you recently, and they thought you would be super worried about it, and your reaction was more along the lines of “I’m not gonna lose any sleep over it”?

And here’s another thing people say a lot: someone is a ‘sore loser’ when they have lost… some kind of competition, let’s say, and they keep saying that it wasn’t fair, and that they should have won, and that the person who won did something You know when you stub your toe, and it really hurts?wrong… Some people call that “whining”. Whining means complaining about something in kind of an annoying way. So a sore loser won’t accept that they lost the competition and they’ll get mad, or pouty, or they’ll whine… that’s a sore loser. And by the way, the word ‘sore’ is frequently used to mean that some part of your body is painful to the touch, or just plain hurting. For example, you know when your throat kinda hurts when you’re about to get a cold? You have a sore throat. You know when you stub your toe and then your toe’s hurting for the next few days? Your toe is sore; you’ve got a sore toe. Another one: when you go back to exercising after a long time without exercise, you can expect your muscles to be sore for a few days. And just a pronunciation tip here: I just said ‘muscles’: m-u-s-c-l-e-s, and we say muscles.

So once again, when someone’s a sore loser they have a hard time dealing with the fact that they lost something. Maybe they were in the running for a promotion and the other person got promoted. They can’t accept it, although their boss explained the criteria and it was a fair process. Maybe it was a competition and they lost fair and square but they keep whining that this isn’t fair and the winner is a jerk, and so on.

So do you know any sore losers? Have you ever been a sore loser? Fess up! Tell us your stories and talk to you next time.


Key expressions

  • not gonna lose any sleep over
  • a sore loser
  • sore throat, sore toe



Today we’re tackling… = Hoje vamos ver/lidar com…

came home with a note (from school) = veio com aviso da professora

Even we didn’t think… = Nem a gente achou…

unless = a menos que

was more along the lines of = foi mais do tipo

pouty = qualidade de quem faz bico, manha

just plain hurting = simplesmente doendo

when you stub your toe = quando você bate o dedo do pé em algum lugar

fair and square = de maneira justa e honesta

fess up = admita (alguma coisa não muito boa)

Alexandre mitsueda 28/09/2013

Amei o podcast, em especial a transcrição. Tinha ouvido vc no English experts e resolvi ir atrás, parabéns e muito obrigado!

Mattheus 25/02/2013

My cousin is a sore loser. Everytime I win him in a game of PS2 he gets whining that it was unfair and pretend that your finger is sore.
And sometimes he gets angry with me, but I don’t lose any sleep over it.

Fernando 10/10/2012

Dear Ana,

I’m here to thank you for all these PostCasts, I like a lot. And ask you help us with any vocabularies of companies. Such as answering the phone or some very expressions used. Please.

Thank you,

Fernando Souza

Leandro da silva 10/10/2012

Olá Ana acompanho já há algum tempo o seu trabalho , nós ensinando com seus podcast, parabéns eles são ótimos,
mas estou com uma duvida , preciso melhorar meu listening, e não sei como fazer isto da melhor maneira. nao sei se só ouvindo suas aulas isso é possível, ou é necessário eu explorar mais os diálogos entre pessoas , o que vc me diz Ana .

    Ana 16/10/2012

    Vá na barra lateral e procure “como falar inglês”, Leandro – escrevi pra responder esse tipo de pergunta ;)

Tais 09/10/2012

Já faz um tempo que baixo podcast do site e é a primeira vez que posto aqui. Só gostaria de agradecer pelos posts. Tem me ajudado bastante. ^^ Obrigada mesmo! Beiijãooo

Great podcast Ana! :)

Cleide 05/10/2012

Ana, sempre que recebo um podcast novo eu primeiro escuto para depois olhar a transcrição, desta forma eu consigo perceber o meu avanço na língua, porém acho que foi aqui no inglês online que vi algo escrito que se você ouve e acompanha com a escrita você pode passar pelo problema de que quando não tem a escrita você não consegue compreender o que esta sendo dito. Por isso é que sempre ouço primeiro e leio depois, caso eu não esteja vendo a escrita depois de ouvir e saber do que se trata minha mente voa porque eu já sei o que esta falando então quando percebo já parei de ouvir e estou com a mente longe. Gosto de depois de ouvir uma ou duas vezes sempre acompanhar com a escrita, você acha que isto vai prejudicar a prática ou não?

Abraços… E como sempre, não poderia ser diferente, o podcast esta ótimo!!!

    Ana 16/10/2012

    Hi Cleide,
    Quando vc ouve um áudio em inglês, ou vc entende bem, ou não. Se você não entendê-lo bem, a transcrição é algo valioso pois vai te ajudar na compreensão. Continuar ouvindo sem entender é algo q não recomendo por, na minha experiência, não ser a maneira +eficiente de aprender. Por que não usar a transcrição, se ela vai ajudar a compreender?
    Acho que isso te ajuda (acompanhar a escrita), também para aprender a escrita (sem ver como é escrito, como a gente aprenderia?)
    E entendo perfeitamente o negócio da mente voar, rs…

ramonsanches 04/10/2012

agradeço imensamente seus conhecimentos,,pois fiz o curso de comissario e necessito muito do ingles e estou aprendendo muito com voce .,,,ana parabens..

    Ana 04/10/2012

    Valeu, Ramon! Feliz em saber.

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