Como digo em inglês: Ouvi um boato

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Apr 18
Como digo em inglês Ouvi um boato

Hey, everyone. How’s it going?

Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online falamos sobre boatos, e como prometer que não vai contar nada pra ninguém.


Hello, all. How are you today? This is the new episode of the inglesonline podcast. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to and click Podcast Inglesonline.

So, do you know what a rumor is? Rumor. A rumor is a piece of information, and this piece of information is unverified, which means no one really knows whether it’s true or not, and no one really knows who started it. Usually no one knows who actually started the rumor. I’ll bet every one of you listening knows what I’m talking about. When I worked for corporations, there were rumors all the time about this manager and that director not getting along, or a rumor that sales people were going to be laid off and so on.

So like I said before, a rumor is a piece of information that no one can really vouch for, right? It’s that kind of thing you hear from a colleague, or when you’re eavesdropping on someone else’s conversation… No one can say “This is the truth. This piece of information is true”. No, it’s always like “There’s a rumor that this or that is going to happen” or “Have you heard? There’s a rumor that Jenn is gonna be the next VP of Sales”. “Hey, I’ve heard that blah blah blah”. That’s a rumor, or boato as we say in Portuguese.

Rumors are usually spread by word of mouth, right? What does “word of mouth” mean? That’s when people speak to each other, when they talk to each other, when information is spread through conversation among people. So when someone tells someone else about some story they heard, that may or may not be true… that’s how rumors are spread: by word of mouth.

So you can say “There’s a rumor that Mark is gonna get promoted”. And you can also say “Rumor has it that Mark is gonna get promoted”. “Rumor has it” is a set phrase and it’s a very common way to introduce some piece of information you heard from someone and you don’t know whether it’s true or not. Example… Rumor has it that Ashton Kutcher is gonna be in the next novela das 8. There’s a rumor that we’re gonna have a local CNN channel. Rumor has it that we’re gonna have new employees from Spain. So, what’s the last rumor you heard?

My lips are sealedOK, so let’s move on to another set phrase in English. This is an expression you can use when someone tells you a secret, and then asks you not to tell anyone. You can say My lips are sealed.  My lips are sealed. When you say that, you’re telling that person that the secret won’t come out of your mouth because your lips are sealed. You won’t tell anyone. You won’t tell a soul.

By the way, this is another very common phrase when you’re saying you’re going to keep something to yourself; you’re not gonna tell anyone: you can say I won’t tell a soul. My lips are sealed, I won’t tell a soul.

So next time someone tells you a secret, you can say “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. My lips are sealed”. Or when your coworker tells you she’s looking for a new job and asks you not to tell anyone, you can say “I won’t tell a soul”.

Please tell us in the comments about the last time you heard a false rumor. Talk to you next time!

Ouça também: Podcast “Não conte com isso”

Key expressions

  • There’s a rumor that…
  • Rumor has it
  • Word of mouth
  • My lips are sealed
  • I won’t tell a soul



I’ll bet = aposto que

be laid off = perder o emprego

vouch for something = assegurar que algo é genuino, verdadeiro

you’re eavesdropping = você está escutando (algo que não é dito para você escutar)

CNN = canal de notícias americano

soul = alma (na frase do podcast, soul simboliza uma pessoa)

roma 17/09/2012

just like that Adele’s song “rumor has a humor” LOL

Gabriel 07/08/2012

Hi Ana!

Good Mornig!

Great podcast.

Many Time I heard coworkes telling: “Have you heard? Ed got a new job! He will leave us”. rsrs


Francisco Sant'Anna 13/05/2012

Hi Ana!

It’s very comun heard about something at the office, although we can’t belive in all stories. I feel like sad because anybody say something good just stupid things about other people.

Bye Ana you are a wonderfull teacher I learn a lot of things to you in podcast.


Guilherme 11/05/2012

There is an Adele’s song called “Rumor has it”. Now I really got it!

Nelma 24/04/2012

Hello Ana,

I heard a rummor in my city that a man – who was a mayor in 1992, so his … years old, will run again for this position.
I don’t know: he’s not that old, but to this position, no way!

Thanks, for your lessons,

I’m your fan (is that correct?)


Lily 21/04/2012

Thanks for this amazing podcast, I really enjoyed it.

Well, the last rumor I heard was that a certain cigarette’s company will stop manufacturing flavor cigarettes because they are the reason why teenagers start smoking.

You know, I don’t really think they’re gonna stop manufacturing those cigarettes because the company is very famous, and this business generates a lot of money, so.

gil 19/04/2012

Hi Ana.
There is a rumor that the lady who appears in the photograph actually is you.
Could you confirm that?

Ricardo Evangelista 19/04/2012

Have you heard that Corinthians will buy Forlan soccer?

Ricardo Evangelista 19/04/2012

Very nice


Hi, Ana!

First of all I’d likeyou to know that I am a huge fan of yours. I like the way you explain things and you are always very clearly in your explanations.

Once I listened to a song performed by Marvin Gay and later by CCR, called : I’ve heard through the grapevine… and I asked a friend what was the meaning of this sort of expression and he told me that somebody had told to somebody else some rumors…

I’d like to know if it is possible to say this as an alternative to the word rumor.

God bless you and keep up the good work.

Your Podcasts are a must.

Thanks for your attention,


rafael 19/04/2012

the last rumor I heard was Drogba Chelsea’s player, wishes go to Brazil. Play a soccer in Rio de Janeiro, Possibility Bangu.

Ed 19/04/2012

Wow, that was such an amazing podcast… everyone should listen to you, not only students whose aim is to improve their capabilities. I’d definitely be coming back for more!


Hígor 19/04/2012

Hello Ana,

Rumor has it that the deputies involved in crimes in my city will go to jail…
but unfortunately I don’t believe it will happens.

Paulo Rafael 18/04/2012

Hi Ana:

The last rumor I heard was Recife wouldn’t have games of the World Cup Fifa. I don’t like soccer but that is a false rumor obviously.

Alisson Viana 18/04/2012

Last Friday the 13th I heard that it was not a good idea to hang out with my friends, because rumor has it that this particular day is cursed. I’m not a believer on this voodoo dolls or black cats stories, so for me it was just another rumor..

Diogo Higino 18/04/2012

Hello Ana, thanks for this great podcast.

I mean every one use internet like to have a speed access and when this not happen is awful. Where I live it’s very common see people chatting or hear someone talking about his low speed of internet access and the company that offer the best system has its networks limited, so I already heard a rumor about many companies that are coming here. Anyone knows when or where this companies will be, but they also say, xyz company is getting work here and now we’ll have a high quality internet access.

I’m grate for any podcast you’he been done, I’he been feeling a good growth after start listen your podcasts and all I’he to say is thanks very much.

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