Inglês com Cartoons #78: You’re doing very well

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Mar 15

Hi, everyone! No cartoon de hoje, como sempre, temos uma imagem com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo. Você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #78Perguntas

(a) Who is this woman? Quem é essa mulher?

(b) Why is she saying that?  Por que ela está dizendo isso?

(c) What are they going to do now? O que elas vão fazer agora?

Minhas respostas

(a) She is the librarian at the Public Library in their town.  Ela é a bibliotecária da Biblioteca Pública na cidade delas.

(b) Because she is helping Sandy improve her reading skills by suggesting good books to her. She thinks Sandy has made a lot of progress. Porque ela está ajudando a Sandy a melhorar sua habilidade de leitura sugerindo bons livros a ela. Ela (a mulher) acha que a Sandy tem progredido muito.

(c) They are going out for some ice cream. This woman is friends with Sandy’s mom, so Sandy is in good hands. Elas vão sair pra tomar sorvete. Essa mulher é amiga da mãe da Sandy, e por isso a Sandy está em boas mãos.


                 E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?

E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – This is our bestseller – com todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser guardar.

Débora 21/03/2012

a) She is Sandy’s teacher.

b) Because Sandy got an excellent grade in her final test.

c) They’ll have a lunch to celebrate this great day.

Jose Bata 17/03/2012

a) She’s a Teacher.
b) Because Sand lean faster the lesson.
c) They are going to home. they a neighbour.

Good weekend Ana!

Simone Costa 16/03/2012

She’s a bookseller and they’re at a library. She’s trying to sell her a new bestseller. The woman is praysing her because every month she buys a book. Sandy told her that she reads one book a month. They’re going to have some white coffe and talk about the books that Sandy would like to buy.


veronica irene 16/03/2012

I’m an english teacher.I love studying English. I surf on the net lookig for friendship.I like Sites,listenning music,watching films in you tube.I hI have ave to listen more the people speak English well.I have to improve my English every time,every day,every week and that’s all.

Mariane 16/03/2012

Olá, Ana!

Sou iniciante e este é o meu primeiro comentário aqui no inglesonline. Minhas respostas são:

(a) She is the english teacher of course that Sandy is doing.

(b) Because of fast progress that Sandy is having in the english course.

(c) They are going out for some chocolate cake.

Por favor, corrija meus erros. ;)

A big hug

Andre 16/03/2012

a. She is the math teacher at school in a small city.

b. Because Sandy was fantastic in last math’s test and she is helping other students.

c. They are going to lab computer to see new software that will be used in the class.

Marcela França 16/03/2012

a) The woman is Sandy’s teacher
b) she is saying that because Sandy did very good in the test and the teacher is proud of her
c)they are going to go home, because the class is over

Hope to see great posts soon,


Marcela França

Alan Vitor Pinheiro Alves 16/03/2012

a. She’s the woman who take care of the baby. (I really don’t know the word to refer that person)

b. Not because the child is really doing well, but because she wants encourage her. The students are usually praised too much…hehehe

c. I don’t know, i cant figure it out. But perhaps they’re gonna watch a movie!

Ana…feel free to correct my mistakes…ahsudhu

Seu latter!

    Alan Vitor Pinheiro Alves 16/03/2012

    See u**

Elizabete 16/03/2012

Pena que ainda não dá pra eu fazer comentários em inglês.

Diogo Higino 16/03/2012

A) She’s her mother;
B) She’s saying that because she looked her school’s tasks.
C) The mother is going on for her jobat an office in downtown and the daugther will play with her friends in the neighborhood.

José 16/03/2012

a) She is a teacher in a English Course.
b) The teacher is sayng this because Sandy made the Toeic Exam and was selected to travel for london next month in the program of Brazilian Governement.
c) They are leaving the room and are goind for them houses.

obs.: I need help to write.. if there are some mistake tell me..

Thanks.. luv iu Ana

Adriana 16/03/2012

A) She is a teacher of literature.
B) because Sandy is the most dedicated student and it was he read more books on the subjective.
C)They going to the class now.

José Lima 16/03/2012

a) She is Sandy´s teacher.
b) Because Sandy it’s going very well in the school.
c) The class ended and Sandy is going home.

Jaques 15/03/2012

A) She is an important publisher.
B) She is saying that because Sandy is a young and famous writer and she has finished her new book. The publisher believes that it will be a best-seller.
C) They are going to Oprah Winfrey’s because Sandy is a gifted child and Oprah is very interesting in her story.

    José 16/03/2012

    OPRAH!? You are doing very well! huashuas

Jaques 15/03/2012

A) She is a teacher who teaches in a public school in Brazil.
B) Because Sandy is a student who always does her homework carefully, loves reading, helps her friends and respects her teacher and colleagues.
C) They are going to set up something to stimulate the other students to walk on Sandy’s way.

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