Como responder ‘How have you been?’ de várias maneiras

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Feb 08
Como responder ‘How have you been’ de várias maneiras em inglês

Hello! What’s up?

Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online vamos falar sobre várias maneiras diferentes de responder a pergunta How have you been?


Hello, all. How have you been? Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to and click Podcast Inglesonline.

Notice that I didn’t ask “How are you?”. I said “How have you been?” and that is another way to greet someone and ask how they have been lately, how they have been recently, maybe, or how they have been since the last time you two saw each other. How have you been? What have you been up to?

Of course, in the United States and, I believe, in other English-speaking countries as well, you’re not really supposed to launch into a detailed account of everything you’ve been doing or every illness you’ve had since you last saw that person… Remember this is a way to greet someone, so unless this is a really close friend or relative, your answer should probably be brief, and this is what we’re gonna talk about today.

So here’s one way you could answer someone who asks you ‘How have you been?’ – you could say “I’ve been keeping busy” or simply “Keeping busy”. That obviously gives the idea that you have been… doing stuff, whatever it is that you do. You’ve been studying, working, taking care of your kids, collecting stamps, cooking, whatever. You’ve been keeping busy. So if anyone asks you “How have you been?” you may answer “Keeping busy” or “I’ve been keeping busy” or even “I’ve been keeping myself busy”.

Here’s another phrase that people say a lot in answer to “How have you been?”: I’ve been keeping out of trouble, or just ‘Keeping out of trouble’. This can be kind of a facetious answer, you know… Facetious means slightly humorous. It could be that you really HAVE been keeping out of trouble – maybe you used to commit crimes and after some time in jail you decided to keep yourself out of trouble, so, hey, that’s literally what you mean, right, when you say “I’ve been keeping out of trouble”. But usually people just say that in a more tongue-in-cheek way, you know. How have you been? Oh, keeping out of trouble.

Now, if you want to express that you’re kinda going through some hard times, or that things haven’t been easy, you could say “I’ve been getting by”. Hey, how have you been? Getting by. I’ve been getting by. “Get by” is a so-called phrasal verb, right? When you get by, that means your life may not be ideal, you may not be performing at your best in some kind of situation, but you’re doing just enough to go on with your life or… you’re doing your best to overcome whatever difficulty you’re facing. So when you say “I’ve been getting by”, you’re saying that you probably wish things were different. There’s something going on that is kind of a setback in your life right now, so it’s not an ideal situation, but you’re getting by.

Here’s another one you may use in case you have been feeling a little sick, a little indisposed maybe… And, of course, you feel like sharing it so when someone asks you ‘How have you been?’, you can say ‘I’ve been under the weather’. When you say you’re under the weather, you’re saying you’re not feeling very well, you’re probably ill so… ‘How have you been?’ ‘I’ve been under the weather, but feeling better today’, if that’s the case. Also, let me bring the pronunciation of ‘under’ and ‘weather’ to your attention: under, and weather. For the second syllable of weather, the tip of your tongue will go briefly between your teeth, so… just something to notice. Under and weather.

Now let’s wrap things up with something you can use right now in case you’re in Brazil. Today in São Paulo we have a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius and I know that it’s a lot hotter in other places such as Rio and the northeast. And you know that the weather is one of people’s favorite things to talk about when they’re making small talk. So if someone asks you today “How have you been?” you could answer “Keeping cool”. “I’ve been keeping cool”. Well, in case that’s true, of course. That answer would make sense today, I think anywhere in Brazil, since it’s so hot. What have you been doing to keep yourself cool? I’ve been drinking water and staying out of direct sunlight for the most part.

So how have you been? Now it’s time for your answer in the comments. How have you been? Have you been keeping cool? Have you been under the weather? Have you been keeping busy? I know I have. Have you been… getting by? Let us know in the comments and talk to you next time.

Key expressions

  • (I’ve been) keeping busy
  • (I’ve been) keeping out of trouble
  • (I’ve been) getting by
  • (I’ve been) under the weather
  • (‘I’ve been) keeping cool



launch into a detailed account = começar um relato detalhado

to greet someone = cumprimentar alguém

tongue-in-cheek = irônico, pra ser engraçado

so-called = assim chamado, chamado

a setback = algo indesejado que veio para atrapalhar/atrasar

small talk = conversinha com estranhos na fila ou no consultório do dentista, pra quebrar o gelo, passar o tempo, etc

Diego 30/03/2021

Maravilhoso. Que você receba em sua vida coisas boas por ser generosa com outros que nem conhece. Obrigado

    Olá, Diego
    Obrigado pelo feedback positivo.

Nicole 17/08/2020

Muito bom, brigada teacher… and I’ve been keeping busy :)

    Olá, Nicole
    Obrigado pelo feedback positivo :-)

Muy chulo, me ha gustado mucho

kennedy bacelar 09/03/2012

I’ve been keeping busy, with the high school and more some troubles, and…thanks by lesson! It’s Amazing.

    Ana 09/03/2012

    Keeping busy, keeping busy… I’ve been doing the same:)

      kennedy bacelar 09/03/2012

      Thanks again, you’re very gracious. Is a pleasure to meet you!

Daniel 23/02/2012

hi ana i’m from manaus,amazonas, and i just want to come here on your website for thank you,because you had helped me to improve my english speaking and listening,because i’ve spend about 2 or 3 hours for a day listening each podcast i’ve ever downloaded,a big hug ,take care…..

Anna 16/02/2012

I’ve been keeping cool =) Love this website

Josimar Machado 15/02/2012

Hello Ana, great episode, very useful.
By the way, I’ve been keeping busy :)

Nivaldo Leôncio 13/02/2012

Hi Ana. What’s up?

I’ve been under the weather. I hurt my spine last week, but I feel better now. See you!

JULIANA 12/02/2012

Hi Ana, How have you been? I have been keeping busy with a lot of issues, but the main is studying English.
This podcast is awesome!

Fabricio 12/02/2012

Ms. Ana:
Parabéns!!! Fantástico esse podcast do englisonline de hoje!!!
Muito bem explicado – sua explanação é ótima!!! didática Nota 100.
Assim eu vou aprender inglês, com essa metodologia!!!! Muito bom, Ms. Ana!!!
Congratulations!!! Grande abraço.
Fabricio. (em 12 de fev.2012)

Agnaldo 11/02/2012

Hello Eloisa,

this new episod is really fantastic. I love it so much. Congratulations!! Big hug for you… Agnaldo Novais

Raymundo 11/02/2012


I’m keeping busy. I study English a bunch through your podcasts and others.
As it’s very difficult, I’m putting my shoulder to the wheel. Thank you for
helping me so much.


Luciano 10/02/2012

Hi Ana Luiza, great new podcast. Good job. Very useful.
I’ve been completely busy :))
Have a great weekend and take care.
Bye bye.

Ana 10/02/2012

HI everyone!! Thanks for all the answers.. Love them :)

EducadorZero 09/02/2012

Hi everyone!
I’ve been keeping busy, because my hollidays finished and started the classes.

I’m trying to keep studying, but I’m not sure if will be possible, so I’ve been getting by

douglas 09/02/2012

I’ve been really busy .

Edson 09/02/2012

Ana, congratulations for this podcast! it’s really good! I just would like you to explain this question better: What have you been up to? how would you translate it into Portuguese? what would be the better way to answer this question ? What am I supposed to answer when someone asks me that? Thank you so much! :)

    Ana 09/02/2012

    Edson – eu não trabalho com tradução, então posso te dar só mais ou menos a minha – E aí, como tão as coisas? E aí, o que vc tem feito? E vc responde com o que vc tem feito. Pode ser “Not much” ou “I’ve been doing this, that etc”

      Edson 10/02/2012

      thank you so much! :)

José 09/02/2012

Hi! I really enjoy these podcasts! Please keep sending us. It really helps. I like to listen as I need to improve my listening skills.

Goreti 09/02/2012

I loved this podcast! I’ve learned a lot. And, I’ve been getting by…

Anna Lima 09/02/2012

This podcast is realy nice like the website!
I’ve been keeping out of trouble ;D

Manoela 09/02/2012

To be honest, I’ve been getting by. I don’t really like my current job right now. I’ve been looking for other opportunity. Meanwhile, It’s really difficult to keep myself happy everyday.

Hello, how have you been? I like so much this podcast ‘couse I didn’t know almost that answers.
But have one that I have heard sometimes when someone asks -Hi, what’s up? then the other people says: -Not much.
I´d like to know your explanation about this, if it’s possible.

    Ana 09/02/2012

    Angelo, é mais ou menos “E aí? Que se passa?” E a resposta q você deu é “Não muita coisa”. Não sei porque eles falam assim, mas começa a fazer sentido quanto mais você ouve!

beto 08/02/2012

I’ve been getting fun.
what about ya ? how have you been?

Jeff 08/02/2012

It’s a nice topic! I loved it! :D
I’ve been keeping busy.

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