Pessoal, obrigada como sempre por todos os comentarios. I love reading them!
Marilia: eh sim gratificante, especialmente quando leio os comentarios dizendo que estao progredindo, etc…
awesome podcast. It was amazing. I’m completely impressed with you. Totally. You’re fantastic. Congratulations for this great site.
Please, never stop doing that, never ever. I really admire you. Be happy!
Fantastico seus podcasts! Amei todos. É um mais interessante que o outro que da vontade de ler/ver todos de uma vez! kkk
Hi everyone!
I grew up in Belo Horizonte. I live here in BH and I will not leave it so early
hi, i’m fine.
i have a doubt… if i’m still a child, should i say ” i have been growing up here” ?
To be honest, i didn’t like this website so much, but after navigate more and more, it really grew on me!
Hi Ana!! I have to tell you how amazed Im by your english!! God, I wish I could speak like you someday! great podcast! It has been helping a lot to learn and improve my english.
Thank you, Ana and congrats
Hi for all.
That’s tha first time I visit this site. I need to say then I like it so much. Certanly now I’m a new member of group. This site grew uo on me and I’m heppy about this.
My name is Paulo Lopes and I’m living in Uberlandia MG, but I was born and grew up in Indaiatuba SP.
Congratulation Ana and team.
hi, everyone. Awesome comments… Each one of you grew up in a different place and I’m also loving the examples of people and stuff that grew on you guys…
I grew up in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. One thing that grew up on me was the desire of studying English. Some years ago, I used to have a bad impression of that language, but as soon as I started to learn more and more it became pleasure and funny to communicate using this new tool. Today, when I wake up, I boot up my computer and look for some American radios or TV shows. Resuming, I got the habit and I guess that everyone should try, even with a certain block at the beginning.
Hi Ana Luiza?
Well, I grew up in Spain, where I’m living now since 2009, I was living in Rio de Janeiro before. At first people were a kinda of rare, no talkings, running to work but…after a few months I caught up the reasons of living like that and they grew on me.
I grew up in São Paulo and live here since I was born. The intrest to learning English grew on me with interactive lessons.
Well, I was born in Brazil, but my family moved to Tocantins when I was just a little child. Then I grew up in the newest state of Brazil. I can’t say I didn’t like to study English, but hearing these podcasts I realize Ana’s voice grew on me. Thanks Ana. You’re an excellent teacher indeed.
Wow. Your explanations are just fabulous! I can’t imagine myself without this. Thank you, thank you! you’re helping me a lot. I hope you keep it :D
I grew up in the city of Jandaia do sul,north of the Paraná and today I live in Limeira-SP.
Hi, dear Ana Luiza.
Well, I think that happened with many others guys. I didn’t like English at all. I remember that during my whole school, I just did the necessary to get the grades. But, after that, I started to get interested about English, little by little. So, I can say, surely, that English grew on me.
Congrats for another nice Podcast!
Hi, Ana Luiza! Thanks for this brilliant podcast!
I grew up in São Paulo, which is the city I was born and live now.
Well, last week I travelled with my classmates to Ouro Preto – MG. On the first hour in the city I really hated the hole thing, and I couldn’t wait to get back to my home in São Paulo. So then, at the begining of that night we went out to drink some beer, and it was really, really fun. The next days were awesome and the last day was really sad because I didn’t wanna get back to São Paulo. Ouro Preto grew on me, so that I wanna travel to the city again next year!
Adoro seus podcasts. Esse é um modo realmente interessante de estudar inglês. Obrigado Ana Luiza. Abraço.
When I started working on my area I didn’t like very much, but I think it grew on me according to the time, and now I’m happy on it.
Nossa Ana… meu comentário não é sobre o podcast mas bem… eu tava vendo o vídeo em que vc explica sobre o Curso Básico de Inglês, e até estranhei ouvir vc falando em português porque já tava muito acostumada com sua voz falando inglês hahaha, e eu tava lendo os comentários das pessoas que estão fazendo o curso. E fiquei pensando: Nossa, deve ser muito gratificante poder ajudar tantas pessoas a ter sucesso com algo que até então parecia um bicho de sete cabeças(by the way…essa é uma boa expressão para um podcast hein?? rsrs Como vc diria “bicho de sete cabeças” em inglês?) voltando ao assunto… queria te parabenizar mais uma vez.. sou sua fã mesmo…deve ser muito legal ler os comentários de tantas pessoas! Se eu fosse dar minha opiniao sobre o seu trabalho com o Inglesonline diria que vc acertou na mosca (aliás… outra expressão para um podcast) rsrsrs
Abraço…e Parabéns!
I was born and grew up in São Paulo.
When I started to study English, I did hate it, but the language grew on me.
To Inglesonline PODCAST,
I grew up in Pirapozinho town near President Prudent, west Sao Paulo STATE. My husband grew on me when us were working as teachers at the same school in other city.
If I have carry on interacted with your PODCAST I have only had to grow up my English . Those are very interesting tips and smart for me
Thank you very much!!!!!GOD BLESS YOU GUYS!
i grew up in paraiba so when i was 6 years old my family and i moved to sao paulo.
in the beggining i really did not like to live here but a few months later i had already got used to the city so i can say that sao paulo city grew on me…kisses ana…
@Magda – obrigada.. que bom que vc acompanha por aqui.
@Eduardo – no problem!
I grew up in Anapolis Goiás and my husband grew on me. When we started going out I didn’t really like him that much but as time went by I ended up loving him more and more each day.
Great post! As usual .. thanks!!!!
Muito bom este podcast, obrigado Ana!
Cada vez gosto mais de seus podcasts e sua maneira de explicar. Parabens. Se tivesse estudando em uma escola, como gostaria que voce fosse minha professora.