Mais sobre FOR e WHILE

By Ana | Lições de Inglês

Mar 30
Mais sobre FOR e WHILE

Depois da dica revisando for e while, aqui vão alguns exemplos meus com as perguntas correspondentes e com algumas atividades para você pensar em como usaria essas palavras para falar sobre sua vida.

I studied piano FOR…

I took piano classes for seven years. I took piano classes for seven years
(Q) How long did you take piano classes for?

I dated my first boyfriend for two years.
(Q) How long did you date your first boyfriend (for)?

I lived in the US for three years.
(Q) How long did you live in the US?


E o FOR é ótimo para expressar há quanto tempo você faz alguma coisa, é claro:

I’ve been writing on Inglês Online for four years.
(Q) How long have you been writing on Inglês Online?

I’ve been teaching English for eight years.
(Q) How long have you been teaching English?

I’ve been using my new computer for eight months.
(Q) How long have you been using your new computer?


Questions for you

How long did you date your first boyfriend or girlfriend?

How long did you live in your first house?

How long have you been studying English?

How long have you been using the Internet?


WHILE I was in school…

My dog was eating her food while I was writing emailsLots of Internet companies got started while I was in business school.

My dog was eating her food while I was writing emails this morning.
(Q) What was your dog doing while you were writing emails?

I did the dishes while listening to a comedy show.
(Q) What did you do while listening to the comedy show?


More questions for you

1. Did you talk on the phone yesterday?

What was going on around you, while you were talking on the phone?

Was your dog playing? Were your kids watching TV while you talked on the phone?


2. Did you take a nap yesterday?

Did anything happen while you took your nap?

Did your parents get home while you were taking a nap? Did the bed break?


3. Did you watch TV yesterday?

Did anyone call you up while you were watching TV?

Did anyone ring the doorbell while you were watching TV?

Did you start to feel hungry while you were watching TV?


Ana Luiza 19/04/2011

@cleunice: veja informações sobre o curso básico, na barra lateral.

@Charles: navegue pelo site, e busque os tópicos q você procura pois tem mta. coisa.

@Vera: hi Vera, awesome! (by the way, this is Ana!)

Vera Graña 09/04/2011

Hi Denilso,

While my dog is playing around the park I open your emails to study your English tips,I’ve been doing this for years. Tks

Charles 06/04/2011

Gostei da dica, mas gostaria de receber mais dicas para principiantes.

cleunice santiago 03/04/2011

como eu faço para dar o primeiro passo , preciso começa do inicio.

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