Inglês com Cartoons #61: Enjoy your trip

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Nov 17

Hi, everyone… Aqui está o cartoon de hoje. Tem uma imagem com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo, e você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos
. E não deixe de dar uma olhada no PDF do cartoon anterior (no fim desse post): ele tem várias maneiras diferentes de falar sobre como alguém comprou uma TV barata.

Inglês com Cartoons #61 Perguntas

 (a) Where are they going? Onde eles estão indo?

 (b) Why are they going there? Por que eles estão indo lá?

 (c) Are they going to enjoy the trip? Eles vão aproveitar/gostar da viagem?

 Minhas respostas

(a) They are going to Pantanal, in Brazil. Eles vão ao Pantanal, no Brasil.

(b) Because they are very adventurous people, and they are looking forward to getting really close to nature. Porque eles adoram uma aventura, e estão ansiosos para ficar muito próximos da natureza.

(c) Yes, absolutely. The more bugs and animals they come across, the happier they’ll be. Sim, com certeza. Quanto mais insetos e animais eles virem/encontrarem, mais felizes eles vão ficar.


                 E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – It was a steal – com
todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser

Joao Castro 07/12/2010

A) They are going to spend their vacations on Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul – Brazil.
B) They are going there because I’ve recommended it to them. They had had too many options of beautiful places to visit and couldn’t decide what visit first, then I helped them.
C) For sure! They will see the nature exuberance, despite the fact they are wearing inappropriate clothes for that really hot city. So, I think they will figure out that by their selves pretty soon…

Mariani 06/12/2010

a. They are going to Paris in the France.

b.Because they are lovers for historical citys and fashion,and also they work with
gastronomic .They want know the city – light.

c.Paris is a beautiful city, urban and meets all the wishes.

Marianna 20/11/2010

(a)They are going to London.
(b)Becouse they’ll study english in the best school of London!
(c)Yes. They will meet a lot of interesting people and they will really learn english!

karine pires 18/11/2010

a)They are going trip on Morro de Sao paulo Salvador Bahia.
b) Because they are on honeymoon, and like tropical country, taking coconut water, seafood, Stay near the crystalline sea.
c)Definetelly, there are a lot enterteinement,  tranquility, peace with nature, tropical food.And is very beautiful.

Williker 18/11/2010

A. They are going to Portugal.
B. Because they will have an important job interview.
C. Of course, but your intentions are have a good job.

luciano 18/11/2010

My answers …

A-) They are going trip on an ocean liner.

B-) They are so happy, because they were drawn and won the tickets.

C-) Of course! We hope so! They have many forms of entertainment such as swimming pools, concerts and more…

eus 18/11/2010

a)They are going to Bahamas.
b)Because the luggages are full of money and they need lounder money.
c)Certanly, they are happy and they will be happier forever and ever.

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