Como digo em inglês: Já ouviu falar? Já tá sabendo?

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Oct 25
Como digo em inglês Já ouviu falar Já tá sabendo

Hi everyone!

Hoje eu falo sobre expressões com HEAR, que ajudam você a expressar “Já ouviu falar disso?” e “Já tá sabendo?”


Hello, everyone! How’s it going? This is the new episode of Inglesonline Podcast, and it is all about the word “hear”. Not “here” as in the place where I am right now, nope. It’s about the verb “hear”, h-e-a-r. As always, to see the transcript and every episode of this podcast, go to and click ‘Podcast Inglesonline’.

Alright, so we can use the word “hear” to express things like “Já ouviu falar disso ou daquilo?” and “Você ficou sabendo de tal coisa?”, or “Ainda não tenho notícia dela”, and there are others. I’m pretty sure this is gonna be a 2-part podcast, so today we’re gonna cover the first two expressions I mentioned, OK?

So, picture this: you and your friends have decided to cook dinner, you’re leafing through a cookbook… and then you see a recipe that looks yummy, but it calls for a strange ingredient: saffron. Well, you’ve never heard of saffron before. You’ve never heard of saffron before, you have no idea what it is. So you turn to you friends and you ask them: “Have you guys ever heard of saffron?” And one of your friends says “Nope, never heard of it”. And the other one says “Yeah, sure. I’ve heard of it. It’s a spice.”

Or, let’s say you’re looking at a movie poster and checking out who’s in it, and you see “Oh, Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, cool! Julia Roberts, John Smith… Who?” And you think, “Who’s John Smith? Never heard of him”. So what does that mean? It’s like we say in Portuguese “Nunca ouvi falar”. Never heard of him. So, once again, you turn to your friend and ask him “Hey, have you ever heard of John Smith? He’s in the new Julia Roberts movie” And what does your friend say? “Of course I’ve heard of John Smith. Have you been living under a rock? Everyone’s talking about him.”

So here are a few questions for you:

  • Have you ever heard of quinoa? It’s a highly nutritious seed that can be cooked like rice.
  • Have you ever heard of a movie called “Plan 9 from Outer Space”? It’s an old sci-fi movie.
  • Have you ever heard of Vivien Leigh? She was a famous American actress.

Alright! So, let’s move on to the second expression I wanted to tell you about: Have you heard about this or that? People usually say this referring to a piece of gossip, or a rumour, or when something unexpected has happened, or when something big has happened, or when they have news.

So let’s say you work for some company and one day you walk into the office, and one of your coworkers says “Hey, have you heard about David?” Well, you know David, he’s your colleague. So when you hear that question “Have you heard about David?” you know there’s some news about David. You know that your coworker is about to give you some new information about David. It may be a piece of gossip, or a rumor, or maybe something big about David that no one knew about. So your coworker asks you “Have you heard about David?” and you go “No. What about him?” And your coworker tells you the news: David has just been promoted and he’s gonna be your boss now.

Or let’s say you bump into your old college friends and one of them says “Have you heard about Mary? She got divorced for the fifth time!”  Your friend could have said “Have you heard? Mary got divorced for the fifth time”. Whenever someone asks you “Have you heard?” you know there’s some gossip, or a rumor, or some kind of news coming your way. It’s like when we say in Portuguese “Você já sabe? Tá sabendo?” Have you heard about John’s house? It’s got eight bedrooms and five bathrooms. Have you heard? Julia ran away on her wedding day. Have you heard about that new restaurant? It’s supposed to be pretty good. Have you heard? Our company’s CEO is quitting and he’s gonna sell coconuts at the beach.

OK, that’s it today! Talk to you next time.


Key expressions

  • Have you heard of…?
  • Never heard of him
  • Have you heard about…?
  • Have you heard?


leafing through a book = folheando um livro

looks yummy = tem uma cara deliciosa

it calls for = ela pede

saffron = açafrão

Have you been living under a rock? = algo como “Em que planeta você vive?” (para nunca ter ouvido falar disso)

and you go = e você diz

What about him? = O que é que tem ele?

you bump into = você se encontra por acaso com

ran away = fugiu

Gabriel 26/03/2017

Nice! Here is a lot of podcasts and certantly they’ll help me improve my Engish!

Thank you, Ana, for this excelent work!


    Ana 20/04/2017

    You’re very welcome :-)

Gabriel Costa 13/10/2014

Hey Ana, thanks for this post cat. It’s great. I’m learning english and your pronunciation is so clean, it’s easy to listen and understand.
I hope to talk english one day as you.

tks again.

Daniel.m 26/01/2012

Jonh Smith is actually a name that an character called “The Doctor” uses in “Doctor Who”, the british sci-fi long running series. It’s a human name that he uses…

    Ana 26/01/2012

    Thanks Daniel. I did not know that, although I’ve heard good things about “Doctor Who”.

Caroline 23/11/2010

Oi Ana!
Muito obrigada!
Deu certinho agora!
E obrigada por ser tão rápida e prestativa!

Ana Luiza 23/11/2010

Oi Caroline – realmente, tinha alguma coisa estranha ali e pra mim também não funcionou. Já consertei, e obrigada por avisar smile

Caroline 23/11/2010

Oi Ana!
Adoro seus podcasts, eles estão me ajudando muito!!!
Mas não consegui baixar o PDF deste podcast. Tentei com três navegadores diferentes, em horários diferentes e nada… O áudio está ok, mas o PDF não quer vir pra minha máquina nem por reza…rsrsrs…
Será que você pode me ajudar?

benito 16/11/2010

tou muito grato por estas digas e por recriar se esta oportunidade espero que venha se recriar cada vez mais…

Wallace 11/11/2010

Excuse-me, Ana, I writed at wrong article.

Wallace 11/11/2010

Hi, Ana.

I would like to know about the use of the word “THE” in this sentences. When I saw them a couple minutes ago I didn’t understand these phrases. Could you explain us, please?  Here, I have another question about the use of “these”. Should I write “these” or “those” phrases ?

Ana Luiza 09/11/2010

Marcelo – eu faço a mesma coisa, é show mesmo

carlos – nossa, legal saber!! and right backatcha!

carlos araujo 09/11/2010

Boa noite, Ana! 
Sou muito grato por suas preciosas dicas, pois tem me ajudado bastande. Dou aula de reforço em inglês no ensino fundamental e meus alunos tem apreciado muito o que transmito a eles, com a sua ajuda, é claro.
God bless you!!!

Posso baixar os audios e utilizar no meu ipod e aproveitar o transito infernal de SP pra estudar. Show a Idéia

Ana Luiza 28/10/2010

Obrigada, Lucia.

Katia – isn’t that awesome? smile

Ramon – glad to hear it’s been useful to you.. Enjoy!

Hi Carlos, you know what you could do? Type that into Google’s advanced search on the “com a expressão” field, click search, and you’ll get a pretty good feel for how the sentence you suggested is used. I do that all the time and it really helps.

Carlos 27/10/2010

Hi Ana,thank you for the treasure.
  ‘Haven’t you ever heard of that?’ sounds good too.
  All the best.

Ramon 26/10/2010

Like always, great podcast…I’ve already graduate in english, but i like listening your podcast, there are always a good piece of information.

Katia Priscilla 26/10/2010

You can believed that? In my English class yesterday I just saw the same topic. Congratulations for your podcasts.

Lucia de Abreu 26/10/2010

Oi, Ana Luíza
Ainda sou uma iniciante na arte da cozinha para ousar publicar qualquer coisa… Mesclo informaçõs de vários sites e gosto muito do Tem uma página inteira só de receitas com quinoa
Bon apetit!

Ana Luiza 26/10/2010

Hi Ira… No, I haven’t, rsrs. Thanks for letting me know smile

Oi Lucia! Obrigada por esclarecer… pelo jeito isso confunde bastante gente (a figura veio de um banco de imagens, mas achei q estava certo pois açafrão também é amarelo, não?) Vc publica suas receitas em algum lugar? No momento só como quinoa naquela mistura de 7 grãos!

Lucia de Abreu 26/10/2010

Prezada Ana Luíza

Antes de tudo, obrigada por essas pérolas de podcasts que você, generosamente, nos oferece a custo zero.

A minha dúvida é saber a diferença entre “saffron” e “turmeric”, ou seja “açafrão” e “cúrcuma”, pois a ilustração mostra o segundo e não o primeiro. Isso me chamou atenção porque já tive essa dúvida em português, já que,  diariamente, uso essa especiaria e, muitas vezes, combinada com a quinoa, o que faz esse podcast ficar ainda mais “delicioso”. rss

Adoro o seu trabalho!

Lucia de Abreu

Iramaia 25/10/2010

Hey Ana, have you heard about Katy Perry? She tied the knot with Russell Brand over the weekend..heheheh.Celebrity gossip. Nice post.

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