Hi Ana! What’s going on? I have a question: how do we say the expression “lay off” in the past? It would be like that: “I laid off the meat of my diet, cause now I am a vegetarian. “ ? By the way, thanks for that such an incredible English website! You have been helping a lot since the time I decided to buy your online English course.
HI Matheus! Thank you for stopping by and for the kind words – my pleasure :-)
Yes, you could say something like “I laid off meat ____ years ago & I’m a vegetarian etc”
Hi Ana!! Achei o máximo seu podcast mas não consegui identificar à expressão em inglês: > Aí já era!! < Mas deve ser em relação à música sertaneja de Jorge e Mateus. Se puder me ajudar, agradeço. Até porque há alguns sites que colocam a transcrição dessa música em inglês mas não tem o título da música em inglês. E tem que ser no contexto da letra dessa música. Obrigado!!!
Oi Odival!
Não conheço essa música :-) mas a expressão que usei no episódio é “That ship has sailed”, que quer dizer – no contexto que expliquei no pod – já era, sem chance, não dá mais, etc.
Hey Ana
I like this expression “that ship has sailed” too.
Last year i have one opportunity of get one stage at Volvo Group,but they need someone that speak english fluent. In a nutshell, i don’t get the job. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed.
Have a nice day!!!
How helpful! Always a great post, thanks for the great job!
ai bara beissss ajuda muito ta
Parabéns mesmo pelo site!!!
Esta me ajudando muito!!!
I liked this site very much!
It’s very good for newbies
Excelente. Procurei vários sites até agora e este é um dos melhores. Abs.
Hello Ana, you are a great teacher,impecable pronunciation,I like to listen.Thank you for the podcasts.Continue teaching how to speak to speak a good english,brasilian people need person like you.Good luck,sucess.
O site é maravilhoso para quem quer aprender inglês!Very good!!!!
I am trying to improve my listening skills (in fact, reading, writing and so on) and your work is very good to achieve my goal. Thank you very much.
Thanks Ana, you’re relly great! Here we find a great lesson to improve our english, but there was a little catch! “Stop junk food! What did you meam? Lay off the Junk food! Are you crazy ? Have you leave your sense girl? What about French fries, chocodilles, pecan sandies, cupcakes? Can you look like a anorexic girl? take care!
Hey, eager learners: lay off the eagerness, kay? You won’t learn English overnight… Just keep practicing, watching movies, listening to music and all that cliché stuff. And good luck.
By the way: great audio. Just one thing though: Correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know, the only way of pronouncing “other” (and words that end with “other”, for that matter, like “mother”, “brother” and “another”) is “uhther”, not “awther”, like you repeatedly pronounced it… Not that it was annoying or anything, but, you know, pronunciation is something to pay close attention to Other (uther
) than that, it was perfect and it sure helps ESL students a lot
Thank you very much for your help!
As you wrote in the text “Lay off the excessive grammar”, I`m sure reading your text was much more helpful for me.
Hi everyone, thanks for commenting.
Anicia – great example with “that ship has sailed” (but I don’t know if that’s true!! Susan Boyle, anyone?)
Lay off – eu estou acostumada com a expressão “lay off” usada com coisas físicas, alguma atividade, etc. So “lay off the doubts” não soa muito comum pra mim.
Hi Alan- rs… many ships have sailed because of your lateness! “lay off the lateness” sounds unusual to me, but it does sound funny.
You could say “I have to get my act together” <—tenho que ficar mais sério/organizado/parar de atrasar, etc
Hi Ana Luiza, thank you for one more podcast.
I almost never arrive at time in any appointment,then all times that a ship has sailed because of my late, I say ” I’m going to lay off the my late and Im going to become a stickler for punctuality.
Feel free to correct my mistakes in the write.
Thank you.
Sometimes i remember that i could start a new carreer singing, but than i think, that i´m not younger anymore, using the expression, for me, that ship has sailed.
In other hand, i can be a writer, and lay off my doubts of be ready to achive the all of fame.
Thank you,
Hi Ana Luiza, How are you?
Your site is great, a read your site every day, good job and thanks for your help.
I very like, for me is much this coment. thank you so much
I want to know what mean lay off something.
I want to learn speak English now.
Oi Patricia – obrigada. Vc consegue ouvir no player?
Hi Fernanda – clique com o botão direito do mouse e escolha Salvar / right-click the link and choose Save.
I agree: “that ship has sailed” does not apply to acquiring a language, as long as you have lots of comprehensible audio to listen to.
Nice, Fernanda… Good for you! Quando vc perceber progresso (ex. pensamento em inglês aqui e ali, mais facilidade pra lembrar algo em inglês) por favor escreva contando – thanks!
Try this: I’ll never lay off the listening because….
Ana, you still doing a great job ! Congratulations. Luiz Carlos – SP
obs.: “studying english grammar”.
well, starts at (thats preposition is alright?) the end: ive been listening audios every day as you sugests, ana luiza. i dont lay off studying english at all because sometimes i think this is important for writing. well, whatever, learning english (for me)is not a ship that have sailed at all. kisses and im catch up more advanced students.
i dont know what is hapenning with patricia but i cant download the audio. when i try to save it in my computer the windows mediaplayer opens and then i only have two options: save it on a cd or nothing. i have a passion for listen inglish audios but this kind of problem make me crazy, rs.
É bom deixar disponível o zip do mp3, pois algumas empresas bloqueiam o download de mp3.
Meu caso!
Se fizerem isso eu com certeza vou ser ouvinte assídua dos podcasts.