Como digo em inglês: cozinhei além da conta

By Ana | Lições de Inglês

May 31
Como digo em inglês cozinhei além da conta

Hey! A dica de hoje é sobre uma maneira muito comum de se dizer em inglês que algo é feito em excesso ou com exagero, ou o contrário – não foi feito o suficiente. É mais fácil do que você imagina:

do (em excesso –> overdo)
cook (em excesso –> overcook)
cook (menos do que o necessário –> undercook)
prepared (não foi o suficiente –> underprepared)

Aqui vão alguns exemplos de casos bem comuns:

The spaghetti is overcooked.We cooked 500 grams of pasta for four minutes. It was perfect: not too hard, not too soft.

I overcooked the spaghetti and it got all soggy… so I threw it away.

soggy = mole demais, como se estivesse encharcado

If you undercook the chocolate mixture, your brigadeiros will be too soft.

What about you? Conte sobre alguma ocasião em que você overcooked ou undercooked alguma coisa. Me? I usually overcook rice…

Sabe quando você acha que comeu em excesso? Olha só:

Lunch was amazing.


How was lunch?

It was amazing. I ate meatballs, potatoes, a salad… oh, and I had ice cream too.



 thought my belly was going to explode


How was lunch?

Lunch was good, there was a ton of food, and… I definitely overate. When I got up from the table I thought my belly (barriga) was going to explode.


Qual foi a última vez que você overate? Me? My birthday… (chocolate cake)

E quando você dormiu além da conta… sem querer?

I overslept and missed my class.


How many hours did you sleep last night?

(Luke) I slept about eight hours. I woke up at 10, right in time for my favorite TV show.

(Mary) Almost eleven hours. I was so tired, I overslept and missed my class.



What about you? Qual foi a última vez que você perdeu a hora porque overslept? Me… it’s been a while (já faz um tempo), but when I was in school I overslept and missed class a few times.

Mais algumas maneiras comuns de se usar over- e under- no inglês:

  • I’m way overdressed for this party (overdressed quer dizer que você está “chique” demais para o lugar)
  • You’re overreacting! Don’t take this so seriously. (when someone overreacts… isso quer dizer que a pessoa está tendo uma reação desproporcional à grandeza de algum acontecimento. Por exemplo, fica brava demais porque alguém esbarrou nela na rua. Muito, muito usada no inglês.)
  • The students were clearly underprepared for this exam (se você está underprepared… não se preparou o suficiente)

Então aí está! Over- e under- são maneiras super concisas de se expressar exagero ou “falta” de alguma ação. E aqui vai um conselho comum no mundo dos negócios: Underpromise and overdeliver. Quem quer explicar essa?

Victor 18/05/2011

First of all, I want to say I love so much your podcasts.
I’ve overate all afternoons, because of it I’ve put weight on. I need to work out lol

Mariana 03/01/2011

I overate at the Christmas eve! I ate spaghetti, and it was not overcooked. It was delicious.

Ana Luiza 09/06/2010

Hi Ira, thanks for posting… You got it. It’s all about exceeding customer expectations, I guess.

Hi Daniele, so you know from experience… rsrs

Ricleberson – yeah, looks like our cooking experiences are a rich source for examples of over- and underdoing something… Me too, sometimes I consciously overeat!

Thanks jutahi, glad you find it useful.

Giuliano – ouch! hopefully you were not hungover (de ressaca)

Giuliano 08/06/2010

I overslept last saturday. I went to night club, and drunk a lot of beer. I arrived too late in the company.

jutahi borges 06/06/2010

achei bem ilustrada a exposição sobre “over” e “under” e bastante clara.

Ricleberson 03/06/2010

I always overcook the meat and usually undercook the beans. It’s terrible, I never know the exactly time to cook them.
there is another thing that i wanna say: I don’t avoid overeating lasagna. It’s very delicious.

Daniele 01/06/2010

I loved it.

I overcooked the chocolate mixture I also threw it away because the brigadeiro stayed very hard.

Iramaia 01/06/2010

Ana, this means that you can do something to surprise someone,exceed the expectation of a customer so then your business can get a good reputation. For example: you promise that the delivery will be there by noon,and then you tell the driver to make sure that the object is delivered by ten in the morning.
One of the most annoying and frustrating things we deal with is people who promise things on a certain date or time and they never show up.
There are tons of them.

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