Compreensão de texto: greetings

By Ana | Compreensão de Texto

Apr 12
Inglês - Compreensão de texto greetings

Quatro pessoas falam sobre como cumprimentam outras pessoas (a palavra greet, cumprimentar, é muito usada aqui e no quiz).

How do you greet people? It all depends on the situation, of course.

Renata, from Brazil: I just kiss them on the cheek. Just one kiss, because I’m from São Paulo. I have friends from Rio and they always kiss twice. If it’s a friend or relative, and if I haven’t seen them in a while, I give them a kiss and a hug. I have never seen men kiss each other, except if they’re father and son. In formal situations… Maybe a handshake, but that feels a little strange to me. I guess I don’t participate in too many formal situations so I don’t know what I would do. I think I would let the other person lead the way and then I would just do what they did.

Guillermo, from Chile: When it’s the first time I’m meeting someone, I shake hands. With my guy friends, I give them a hug or a pat on the back. If I’m greeting a female friend, it’s different: I give her a kiss on the cheek and sometimes I hug her. Women greet each other the same way: kissing and sometimes hugging.

Marco, from Italy: I shake hands in formal situations. Where I live, kissing is acceptable. It’s OK for men to kiss each other, for men to kiss women or for women to kiss each other. But with my male friends I usually just give a hug or a pat on the back.

Molly, from the USA: When I greet close friends I give them a hug. For casual friends, I just say “Hi”. For guys it’s a little different. Where I live they never hug each other, it’s just “Hey, man”. In formal situations I always shake hands, and it’s important to shake hands firmly. When I’m saying good-bye to people I’m not very close to, I also shake hands, be it a man or a woman. Kissing is not usual around here, unless it’s among really close family members or friends.


cheek = face ou bochecha

lead the way = liderar a situação, mostrar o que deve ser feito

a pat on the back = um tapinha nas costas

a hug = um abraço

close to someone = próximo a, íntimo de alguém

be it a man or a woman = seja homem ou mulher


Faça o quiz

Gtoni 05/07/2012

It was very cool this exercise about how to greet someone.

Keep it up!!!

Débora 02/07/2012

Please Ana, Could you post more texts?

Valter 27/06/2012

Site bom, ensina bem, espero manter o ritmo.

johnny 28/05/2012

muito bom o melhor site q ja encontrei sobre ingles

Rose 20/04/2012

Olá, Ana

Gostei muito desse post e sempre que posso dou uma olhada aqui no site. Como dizemos na minha cidade: “Isso aqui é uma mão na roda!” rsrs… Eu queria aproveitar a oportunidade para pedir uma favor. Tratando-se de greetings, você poderia trazer mais expressões usadas num encontro seja formal ou informal. Por exemplo, em um encontro informal costuma-se dizer quando acabamos de conhecer a pessoa: “nice to meet you”. Como seria dizer isso numa situação formal, numa recepção de uma empresa por exemplo? Agradeço muito se puder me dar essa ajudinha! ;)
Té mais!

Bruna 26/03/2012

Hi Ana!

Esse é meu primeiro comentário no Inglês Online e quero dizer que amoooo esse site, o conteúdo é ótimo e a forma como vocês explicam, abordam os temas é excelente. Fiz curso de inglês (até o avançado) porém eu não tenho fluência na lingua e tenho muita dificuldade em várias coisas. Estou baixando os podcasts para treinar principalmente meu listening.
Tem alguma forma de baixar todos os podcasts (audio + pdf) de uma só vez?

Adoro as dicas que tem por aqui :)

Parabéns pelo site!!!!

    Ana 29/03/2012

    Oi Bruna,

    Obrigada pela mensagem!

    Não tem jeito de baixar tudo de uma vez.. mas pelo iTunes acho que fica mais fácil baixar vários.

amanda 02/02/2012

Very good!

Gustavo 08/01/2012

Hello, this site is very helpful, thanks for helping all those who wanna learn English and for free. Great job!

carmen 04/01/2012

Thanks for introducing thi topic, it’s very helpful. We, brazilian,love to hug and kiss eachother without taking in mind that the oher person , probably, doesn’t like to be hugged or kissed, due to her different culture. So, Brazilians, be aware that it’s not everybody who likes our way of greetings.

Carlos Pereira 09/12/2011


beatriz rodrigues 21/11/2011

i love sait

gabriel 15/11/2011


solange 14/10/2011

this is very good
i like do.

CASSIO 15/06/2011

I´m realy enjoying the podcasts… good job Ana…this site is very usefull for those who want to improve their english!

emanuelle 15/05/2011

eu posso usar ‘‘DO’‘ou ‘‘DOES’’ antes e depois da frase?

emanuelle 15/05/2011

este site me ajudou muito nas minhas maiores duvidas agora estou siente de tudo!!!!muito obrigadoo por ter me ajudado .

Nathalya 28/04/2011

Me ajudou bastante esse site.. fiz meu trabalho do colegio! Obrigada ^^

Maria Simone 25/02/2011

I come back always, when I feel that need… Very good! Congratulations!
Thank you very much!

Karine 22/02/2011

Olá… Adorei essa compreensão de texto… Gostaria de ver mais aqui…

renata 15/02/2011

eu aprende muito nessa materia de engles e quero aprender mais.bjossssssssssssssssssssss.

Nikita 06/02/2011

Uhm.aprendi qualquer bj

davi 31/01/2011

quero fazer curso de ingles.

silceia 06/01/2011

I has LOVE podcast.I always learn a lot with you.



Ana Luiza 19/10/2010

Hi everyone!! Very happy, as always, to know that you guys are enjoying the tips.

nivaldo 19/10/2010

Estou aprendendo muito com vocês. O inglesonline é genial. Keep in touch. See you.

Paulo 29/07/2010

Muito legal o texto so entendi que ele mora no brasil vc podia ensinar melhor néh

Dhieniffer Ferreira de Carvalho 28/07/2010

I’m amazed!!
I’m trying learn english at home, and this site is fantastic!!!

Ana Luiza 27/07/2010

Erick – haha… knock yourself out (tem essa em um dos podcasts)

    Johnny 06/05/2012

    hey Ana,wassap ?? first of all, I would so like to thank you for ur posts, the podcasts with PDF and mp3 are very very useful for us, mainly to me .. formerly I tried to find out something cool to study on the internet, but I couldn’t find anything, I wanted especially to download files in english with PDF and MP3 together,just to improve my listening, but I could find it on ur website, (very heppy for that).
    and I’d like also to say that you have a pleasant voice by the way and you’re very beautiful as well , rsrs ..
    well … I wanna tell ya 2 things that I saw here, first, I’d like to know what does (knock youself out) mean ??

    second .. the girl here asked you why we say something like: ( Can I ask you something) ? She wanted to know why we use “something” in a question like that, and you told her that “something” can be also used in questions, but Ana, forgive me if I’m wrong but the grammar says that we use “something” when we offer something to someone, for exemplo; (would you like something nice to eat) ?? but not when we ask permission to do some thing.
    I dunno but I think if she asked me about it, I would say that we just speak this way and there are no answers for that, one cannot have answers for everything. As I told you, I’m sorry if I’m wrong but that’s how I think. so Ana, what can you tell me about this ?? your opinion is very important to me.

    Dearling I’d like to suggest you something …you know that your job here is awesome, everybody tells you that and I don’t need to repeat this but it can be better if you post the translations of the PDFS would be very very important coz we could see the correct translations of the texts that you write, and this way we don’t need to translate sometimes even wrong on sites like google translate or something …I know it’s much more job for ya however it would be great and very important for us as I said.

    Ana do me another favor please .. if I wrote something wrong, correct me ok ? I’m still learning.
    and now I must stop writing, LOL .. but I want you to know that I am a big fan of you,, really, all the best for ya.
    bye for now.

Erick 27/07/2010

Muito legal o seu site, comecei a navegar e ta difícil sair.

Baixei todos os podcasts.

Ta bem profissional o seu trabalho. Parabéns!

evelyn 19/06/2010

hello. estou gostando muito mesmo voces estam de parabens

juliana 12/06/2010

legal me ajudou e muito

Ana Luiza 14/04/2010

Oi Geovanna,
O something pode ser usado em perguntas sim.. dê uma olhada aqui, talvez te ajude:

geovanna 14/04/2010

Porque nessa frase Can I ask you something?
O something é usado em frase interrogativa se ele só pode ser usado em frases afirmativas.

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