Inglês com Cartoons #51: The secret

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Mar 22

Hello! Aqui vai mais um cartoon para o seu inglês. Tem uma imagem com apenas uma fala, algumas perguntas e um exemplo. Use a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #51


 (a) Who are these people? Quem são essas pessoas?

 (b) What’s the big secret? Qual é o grande segredo?

 (c) Is the woman going to keep it a secret? A mulher vai manter isso em segredo?

 Minhas respostas

(a) They are Larry and Susan. They’re coworkers. São Larry e Susan. Eles são colegas de trabalho.

(b) Larry has won the lottery, and he is going to quit his job. Larry ganhou na loteria, e vai pedir demissão do emprego.

(c) Unfortunately, Susan has a big mouth and she’s going to spill the beans about Larry’s prize. Infelizmente, a Susan é linguaruda/fala demais e ela vai contar (para alguém / para os outros) sobre o prêmio do Larry.


Por favor, não conte isso pra ninguém!


                 E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – I’ll be there in 5 minutes – com
todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser
guardar. Obrigada a todos que tem deixado respostas!

Rick 14/04/2010

a – they are cowprkers
b – the guy has just did her in the copy room
c – she thinks he can help her getting a promotion, but when she finds out he is nobady at the company she will open her big mouth and close her legs

Ernane Trindade 10/04/2010

In my last commentary the last sentence must be WHERE ARE THEY PUTTING THE MONEY?

Lula speakes too much and I’m seeing that health, education, and roads are very bad in Brazil.  The poor people are suffering tremendously in Brazil. It is said that 72% are of taxes on merchandises in Brazil.  Where are they the money?

Gleice Krahembull 09/04/2010

(a) He’s President Lula and the beauty woman is Mrs. Scott, President Lula’s lover.
(b) The secret is, of course, that as Mr. Lula is married with the first lady Mrs. Marisa, he doesn’t want anyone to know about their flirt.
(c) YES! She’ll tell evebody about this. That’s because she can’t stand hide this situation anymore.

xuxuxu xaxaxa 08/04/2010

a mulher esta sem sutiam

Yasmine 08/04/2010

(a) They are brothers.
(b) He told her that he met another gorgeous woman.
(c) Yes, she will keep this secret, because besides being his sister, she is his best friend. They always share secrets with each other.

Thaylane 01/04/2010

a. They are friends, Mary and Jonh
b. The secret is about a surprise party of a another friend.
c. Yes, she is.

Thaylane 01/04/2010

a.He is going to his house
b.Because, his wife is going to have a baby
C.Because she has to deliver the reports



caroline filipe fenix 28/03/2010

this site and our wonderful! poracaso you can open a new post that a person get so serious and quick?bay-bay-bay

Amy 25/03/2010

They are John and Linda. They’re neighbor.
Amy saw John in a fabulous party with your friends, but Anna, his jealous girlfriend was not there.
Linda is best friend of John and probably will keep the secret.

Camila Moro 23/03/2010

They are John and Beth. Beth is John’s sister in law.

John will propose marriage to Suzan, Beth’s sister.

Beth is so happy and excited about the marriage, that she won´t be quiet.

Luis Gomes Neto 23/03/2010

a)They are Sihoban and Collin.They are coworkers in a company.
b)they are planing to throw a party in the company where they work.
c)Yes, because they are good friends and she is a party animal.

douglas 23/03/2010

a) they are Mike and Mary. Mike is waiter and she is a patron.
b)The secret is: Mike throw down drink on Mary and he is worried about your boss.
c)Yes, because she was waitress a long time ago.

K Burgos 22/03/2010

a)They are Mike and Susan. They are teacher in a secundary school.
b)Mike has got a lot of masks to the party. He is going to give the masks to his students.
c)Of course. She loves surprise and she was very happy for the studants.

Osvaldo Junior 22/03/2010

a) They are a couple, a beautiful couple. (?!)
b) Secret is secret. I can’t tell about this here, rsss. I’m kidding! Ok, they are doing a party for their friends, I guess. rss
c) Maybe… Women like to tell secret, everybody know about this. rssss wink
Oh, please girls, don’t be angry with me. rsss

Arandir 22/03/2010

(a) In my opinion he is a mole and she found out that he is a great snout. Em minha opinião ele é um espião de uma outra empresa e ela descobriu que ele é um importante informante.

(b) It seems what the team decided in the meeting yesterday a fantastical idea like gain much more money. Parece que a equipe decidiu na reunião de ontem uma fantástica ideia de ganhar mais dinheiro.

(c) I think She is a sneak and the very avatar of cunning so, She’ll make a point of telling everyone the secret. Eu acho que ela é uma dedo-duro e a própria representação da esperteza então, ela fará questão de dizer a todos o segredo.

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