Cause he’s a big painter. He loves to paint.
Maybe he made the frame.
Well… He can use the frame to put some picture.
a)Because your friend give him a gift
b)He bought a frame in a store
c)Jake will put the mirror.
a) Jake is an artist.
b) He bought in a sale.
c) Jake will put him new painting in the new frame.
a) Because the last one has been broken
b) He bought on the shop
c) put on the old paiting in the new frame!
a) He’s an artist, and he sells his paints to get money.
b) The frame belonged his family, and he found in his attic.
c)Jake liked the frame and he will use it in one of his paints.
Olá Manecas e Gilberto. Que bom, fico super feliz de saber! Aproveitem.
Estou começando agora e já estou encantado com a meneira de ensinar da Prof.Ana Luíza. Tenho certeza que aproveitarei bem,pois já começo a entender o inglês como nunca tinha conseguido antes. Best regards, Gilberto
Foi boa ideia.
Com cartoons habilita-me a raciocinar melhor sobre o que posso responder.
Mto Obrigado
a) He bought a beautifull paint in a promotion.
b) Jake’s friend saw on the some magazine.
c) Jake doesn’t know if a good idea. He prefer a simple frame.