Hi everybody! A atividade de hoje usa o que foi apresentado nas lições Gramática inglesa: SOME e ANY e Você usa enough o suficiente? Vamos combinar os dois assuntos formando sentenças para descrever se tem ou não ingrediente suficiente para fazer um bolo.
These are the necessary ingredients to make the cake:

* 2 cups of flour [farinha]
* 2 cups of white sugar [açucar branco/refinado]
* 3/4 cup of cocoa powder [chocolate em pó]
* 2 eggs
* 1/2 cup of vegetable oil
* 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract [1 colher de chá de extrato de baunilha]
Sandy and Anna are in the kitchen, looking for the ingredients they need to bake the cake. Here’s what they find:
- There’s only half a cup of flour left
- There’s a lot of white sugar
- There’s only a cup of cocoa powder left in the container
- There’s only one egg left
- There’s a whole bottle of vegetable oil – it’s new
- There’s no vanilla extract left
Use some, any, a lot e enough para falar dos ingredientes. Por exemplo: There’s some flour left, but it isn’t enough to make the cake.

Sugestões de respostas:
There’s a lot of white sugar. It’s more than enough for the cake.
There’s some cocoa powder left, but it isn’t enough for the cake.
There’s only one egg. It’s not enough to make the cake.
There’s a lot of vegetable oil. It’s more than enough for the cake.
There isn’t any vanilla extract left.
Ana criou um blog de dicas de inglês em 2006, e depois de muito pesquisar o que faz alguém ganhar fluência numa segunda língua, criou seu primeiro curso de inglês em 2009.