a) Next week he will be born.
b) Yes.She know by “ultrasom” that is a boy. Her favorites names are John, Brian and Marcus.
c) She is learning how to take care a baby.
Muito legal! Aprendi mais algumas expressoes. Estudo Inglês há mais de 10 anos e não sabia como perguntar há quanto tempo alguem está gravida. Parabens pelo cartoon é really cool.
8 months and half
yes, she’s . Mathew for boy and Juliard for girl
She makes yoga and she entered in classes for pregnant of first travel
(a)7 months,
(b)yes,she´s.pedro for boy and janayna for girl
(c)She’s taking a Yoga class for pregnant women.
maria aparecida – obrigada!!
João – there’s no need to apologize, come on! Good job.
(a)6 months and a half.
(b)No, she isn’t, is your fifth time. Her favorite baby names “are” (i’m sorry…)Fernando for Boy or Charlotte for girl.
(c)She’s just sleeping a lot!!!
Adorei a maneira simples e divertida do cartoon! Parabéns, estou “encantada” com o trabalho de vocês!
a) 7 months and a half.
b) No, she isn’t. She has already a boy. Her favorite names are Brian for a boy and Meg for a girl.
c) She’s taking a swimming class for pregnant women.