Inglês com Cartoons #40: It’s my birthday

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Jul 22

Hi everyone! Mais um cartoon para exercitar o inglês. Funciona assim: eu apresento uma imagem com apenas uma fala, faço algumas perguntas, dou um exemplo e vocês usam a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #40



 (a) How’s she going to celebrate? Como ela vai celebrar?

 (b) Why is she telling the boy about it? Por que ela está contando isso ao garoto?

 (c) What is he going to do? O que ele vai fazer?

 Minhas respostas

 (a) Her family wants to take her classmates to an amusement park. A família dela quer levar seus colegas de classe a um parque de diversões.

 (b) They are close friends and she needs his family’s help to drive all the kids to the park. Eles são muito amigos e ela precisa da ajuda da família dele para levar todas as crianças ao parque de carro.

 (c) He’s going to talk to his parents. Ele vai falar com os pais dele.

        Sábado é meu aniversário.

E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – Did you read the newspaper? – com todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser guardar. E parabéns a quem tem deixado respostas smile


Su 10/08/2009

a) She going to celebrate her birthday with a lot of friends at the club .

b)Because she is in love for him and then she found out a good moment to talk about this subject .

c)He is looking forward to the party .When him received the invite got very happy and was quickly to buy a nice clothes.

Felipe 04/08/2009

1 – She would like celebrate together with her boyfriend travelling to DUBAI.

2 – because her needs help to get your passport.

3 – her will ask that for her father.

lucas leite da costa 31/07/2009

a)her mother go do a big party in the her house to all my friends.
b)because she is wanting what he go.
c)he go talk with its parents if he can go in the her house.

Sil 28/07/2009

She´d like that he were in her party on Saturday and he called all your friends

Jordano 27/07/2009

a) – She’ll give a pool party.

b) – Because she is inviting him and talking about the appropriate clothing that he can wearing.

c) – The boy believe to be a great chance to talk with her. The girl don’t know but he love her. The boy are thinking do a big surprise for her and let she know about what are he feeling.

Débora 27/07/2009

a) – She’ll give a party.

b) – Because she is inviting him to the party.

c) – He is going to make a cake to her.

rosane 26/07/2009

She’s going to a pizza parlor with her friends.
She’d appeciate if he came along.
He’ll call her later on.

victor 25/07/2009

with a big party
‘cause she wants him go to the party her

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