Inglês com Cartoons #34: Here’s your dinner

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Apr 30

Hi everyone! Mais um cartoon para exercitar o inglês.
Funciona assim: eu apresento uma imagem com apenas uma fala, faço algumas perguntas, dou um exemplo e vocês usam a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #34


 (a) What is being delivered? O que está sendo entregue?

 (b) How is the man going to pay for the food? Como o homem vai pagar pela comida?

 (c) Who’s going to eat? Quem vai comer?

 Minhas respostas

 (a) A meat loaf and soda. Um bolo de carne e refrigerante.

 (b) He’s going to use all his coins. Ele vai usar todas as suas moedas.

 (c) Just him and a neighbor. Só ele e um(a) vizinho(a).




     Aqui está seu jantar, senhor!

E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon da semana passada – Despite the crisis… – com todas as respostas para quem quiser guardar.


alex 11/05/2009

i want to eat soup is better.i going to pay in cash

Victor 11/05/2009

A.A delicious pizza and one soda
B.He is going to pay with money “of course”
C.He is going to eat with him wife

Adriana Silva 08/05/2009

a. A terrific lasanha and cupuaçu juice.
b. He’s going to pay with cash.
c. He’s going to eat alone.

Jeronimo 06/05/2009

Japanese food and lemonade
he`s goig to pay with money
he and their parents and his girlfriend

Maria Helena L. Souza 06/05/2009

A pizza and coke.
He’s going to pay it wiyh a cash.
He and a friend.

Pathy.F 05/05/2009

A delicious, pizza and esfihas and Coke
He’s going to pay by Credit Card
He and his family

kate_gyn 05/05/2009

a) a roasted lamb, rice and a bottle of wine
b) he’s going to pay by cash
c) just him

Pollyana 05/05/2009

A japanese food and pizza

marta oliveira 04/05/2009

A japanese food and Coke.
He’s going to pay it by Visa Card.
His and your wife.

Fábio Henrique Araújo 04/05/2009

A think of:

a) A delicious, large-size pizza and coke.
B) He´s going to pay by credit card, after having descounted the voucher.
c) He´s going to have it with your girlfriend.

Veronica 04/05/2009

(a)A Japanese food and soda
(b)He’s going to pay with a ticket
(c)Just him and his girlfriend

Débora Cristina Nestal 04/05/2009

Sorry, I wrote wrong…

He is going to pay it with the credit card.

“He is going to pay it by credit card.”

Débora Cristina Nestal 04/05/2009

a) A Chinese food.

b) He is going to pay it with the credit card.

c) The man and his wife.

Cy 02/05/2009

A )A Pizza and Soda
B) He’s going to pay with cash
c) Just Him and his girlfriend

joana 01/05/2009

(a) A delicious pizza and juice.
(b) He’s going to pay with some coins.
(c) His family (his wife and their two children).

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