Como digo em inglês: Estou com fome!

By Ana | Lições de Inglês

Dec 31
fome ingles

Esse é um assunto básico e que costuma aparecer logo no começo do aprendizado de inglês. Tem uma séria de sensações ou “estados” que descrevemos em português usando “estou com…”. Por exemplo, Estou com fome/sede/medo/pressa/calor/frio… Também se ouve às vezes “Tenho fome / Eles tem pressa / Você tem medo disso ou daquilo / etc…”

Na língua inglesa, a coisa muda um pouquinho: nenhuma das duas maneiras pode ser traduzida diretamente. Portanto aqui vai uma ajudazinha + prática para quem estiver começando ou simplesmente para quem ainda não pegou o jeito.

Veja só:

I had only an apple for breakfast. It’s 11AM now and I am hungry. Eu comi só uma maçã no café da manhã. São 11 horas e eu estou com fome.

Tom and Lizzie aren’t hungry now. They had a big lunch today. Tom e Lizzie não estão com fome agora. Eles almoçaram bastante hoje.



I walked the dog for two hours this morning. When we came back, Rex was so thirsty!

Eu andei com o cachorro por duas horas essa manhã. Quando voltamos, o Rex estava com tanta sede!


Practice questions

  1. What times are you usually hungry or thirsty in your daily routine?
  2. Are you always hungry in the morning?

(minhas respostas) I’m usually hungry around 1PM and after 7PM. I am never hungry when I wake up, but I usually have a piece of fruit anyway.

Todd went to the swimming pool at 6AM. He was so cold when he got out of the pool he almost passed out. O Todd foi para a piscina às 6 da manhã. Ele estava com tanto frio quando saiu da piscina que quase desmaiou.



I am so hot, I’m covered in sweat! I’m going inside. Estou com tanto calor, que estou coberto de suor! Vou para dentro.


Practice questions

Describe a situation where you

  1. were really hot
  2. were really cold

(minhas respostas)

When I was in college I went to the beach with some friends one day. It was a holiday and the city was packed! Supermarkets ran out of water. We were really hot the whole afternoon until we went back home.

Last year, in July I think… One night I thought one blanket was gonna be enough to get me warm. I was wrong! I had to get up in the middle of the night and walk to the other room to get an extra blanket. I was really really cold while I was walking.

That cat is afraid of something!
Aquele gato está com medo de alguma coisa!



Phil just got in a cab and is telling the driver where he needs to go. He’s in a hurry because he’s late for an important meeting. Phil acabou de entrar num táxi e está dizendo ao motorista onde ele precisa ir. Ele está com pressa porque está atrasado para uma reunião importante.



Practice questions

  1. What are you afraid of?
  2. Which type of person are you most often: the type that’s always in a hurry, or the type that’s never in a hurry for anything?

(minhas respostas)

I’m a little afraid of cockroaches (baratas). I’m usually not in a hurry to go anywhere. Life is easier for me with a cell phone: if I’m late, I just make a call to let the other person know.

Jubian Siqueira 30/05/2012

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fernando 19/08/2010

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Luiz Carlos ( Canadian-Brazilian) 26/04/2010

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Maria Glayce Tavares Dutra 22/01/2009

What a marvellous web site!it really helps me to improve my English.

Marisa Prado 22/01/2009


That’s a really nice website. I just came from USA and I need to keep improving my English Skills.

Thanks so much,
Best regards,
Houston – TX

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