Exercícios de inglês: Quanto tempo faz, parte 2

By Ana | Teste Seu Inglês

Nov 20

Hi everybody! Aqui vão mais exercícios para você praticar o inglês das lições Faz um ano que eu moro… e Estou esperando há….

As respostas estão lá no fim. Boa prática!

Exercício 1

Veja as lições Faz um ano que eu moro… e Estou esperando há… e complete as perguntas com as formas corretas dos verbos:

Exemplo: Mary and Tom know each other.
How long have they known each other?

(a) Tony is jogging at the park.
How long ……………………….. at the park?

(b) Laura and her cousin live in a nice neighborhood.
How long ……………………….. in this neighborhood?

(c) Stephen has a truck.
How long ……………………….. this truck?

(d) Marcia is drawing a cartoon right now.
How long ……………………….. this cartoon?

(e) Evan and Sandra are married.
How long ………………………… married?

(f) Trevor is at the club.
How long ……………………….. at the club?

(g) Teresa is cooking dinner right now.
How long ………………………….. dinner?

Exercício 2

Como você diria isso em inglês?

(a) Faz muitos anos que eu conheço a Leila.

(b) Faz meia hora que ela está se exercitando.

(c) Quanto tempo faz que vocês moram aqui?

(d) Eu tenho esse carro há dois anos.

(e) Faz uma hora que eles estão em reunião.

(f) Seus pacientes estão esperando há meia hora.


Exercício 1
(a) has he been jogging
(b) have they lived / have they been living
(c) has he had
(d) has she been drawing
(e) have they been
(f) has he been
(g) has she been cooking

Exercício 2
Obs.: respostas ligeiramente diferentes são possíveis.
(a) I have known Leila for many years.
(b) She has been exercising (or working out) for a half hour.
(c) How long have you lived here? / have you been living here?
(d) I have had this car for two years.
(e) They have been in a meeting for an hour.
(f) Your patients have been waiting for half an hour.

andreia 20/02/2010

adorei, nao consegui acertar mas ajudou-me, sou muita ma, nas construçoes das frase

Marcos 10/12/2008

thanks again, lesson good

Practise 1

a)How long has tonny jogging at the park?

b)How long have they live in this neighborhood?

c)How long has he this truck?

d)How long has Marcia drawing this cartoon?

e)How long have they married?

f)How long has trevor at the club?

g)How long has Teresa cooking dinner? 

Practise 2

a)I have know Leila for much time.

b)She has practise for half an hour.

c)How long have they live here?

d)I have had car for two years.

e)They had meeting for the One hour.

f)Your Patients are waiting for half an hour.

mAny mistakes, but I did correction.

Edinho 08/12/2008

Sempre tive muitas dúvidas com esse tipo de construção de frase, agora acho que já me achei


A D O R E I …

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