Exercícios: Faz um ano… em inglês

By Ana | Teste Seu Inglês

Oct 29

Hi everybody! Aqui vão exercícios baseados na lição “Quanto tempo faz…? Faz um ano… em inglês. Leia a lição, faça os exercícios e pratique. As respostas estão lá no fim.

Exercício 1

Siga o exemplo e forme sentenças.

Mrs. Caldwell always goes to a grocery store near her house.

She started going to this grocery store two years ago.

(she / go / this grocery store)

She has gone to this grocery store for two years.


(a) Joanna, Mary and Laura are friends.

They met at a party three months ago.

(they / be / friends)


(b) Tom and Jerry live in a college dorm and are roommates.

They moved into the dorm a year ago.

(they / be / roommates)


(c) Gina has a cat.

She found the cat in the street a month ago.

(she / have / this cat)


(d) Max lives in San Francisco.

He moved to San Francisco three weeks ago.

(he / live / in San Francisco)



Corrija as sentenças incorretas:

(a) We know Carrie for ten years.

(b) She has met Carl a year ago.

(c) They study at Saint Paul’s school.

(d) I study English my whole life.

(e) Lisa had a car for five years, but she sold it last week.

(f) Teresa and Mark have been together last week.

(g) He lives in New York for fifteen years.



Exercício 1
(a) They have been friends for three months.
(b) They have been roommates for a year.
(c) She has had this cat for a month.
(d) He has lived in San Francisco for three weeks.

Exercício 2
(a) We have known…
(b) She met Carl…
(c) correta
(d) I have studied…
(e) correta
(f) … were together…
(g) He has lived…

Ines 06/06/2010

e muito dificil de compreender

Catarina 09/05/2010

Não se escreve inglish mas sim, english!
Look me!
Eu amo este site!

mmjo 03/05/2010

Não percebi este site

Joana 07/05/2009

Very good!
I’m like very the inglish…

marcello 09/02/2009

I liked your explanation about P.P cause the it
used to be a bit complicated,this way it´s easy.Sorry my english, bye!

Ana Luiza 21/11/2008

OI Eunice – a letra (e) é tipo “pegadinha”, daquelas para ver se o aluno está prestando atenção … smile

Lisa had a car for five years, but she sold it last week.

“but she sold it last week.”—> isso diz que Lisa não tem mais o carro. O “had” tem que ser “had” mesmo (no passado simples)

Se disséssemos “Lisa has had a car for five years”, usando Present Perfect, isso implicaria que ela ainda tem o carro.

Eunice 21/11/2008

a letra e do exercício 2 não deveria estar incorreta? E seria correta se fosse: Lisa have had a car for five years, but she sold it last week.”?“Não deveria seguir o mesmo sistema da letra a:  We have known Carrie for ten years.”?”

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