Inglês com Cartoons #15: Back by 4 o’clock

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Oct 13

Hello, everybody! Aqui vai o cartoon de hoje.
Funciona assim: eu apresento uma imagem com apenas uma fala, faço algumas perguntas, dou um exemplo e vocês usam a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários. Vamos estar de volta às 4.

Vamos estar de volta às 4.

Vamos estar de volta às 4.


(a) Where are the students going? Onde os alunos vão?

(b) What are they going to do there? O que eles vão fazer lá?

(c) How often do they go there? Com que frequência eles vão a esse lugar?

Minhas respostas

(a) They are going to an animal shelter. Eles vão a um abrigo de animais.

(b) They are going to feed the animals and clean the shelter. Eles vão dar comida aos animais e limpar o abrigo.

(c) They go to the shelter every two weeks. Eles vão ao abrigo a cada duas semanas.

E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas? 


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon da semana passada – Here’s a letter for you – com todas as respostas para quem quiser guardar.

Vera 22/01/2009

1. Probably visiting somewhere like culture center or measum.
2.They are going to taken down about some knowledge to do future homework or test.
3. Twice a year.

Marcos 01/11/2008

1-They are going to visit museum.
2-They are going to study and see many things.
3-Generally, they go to visit museum once month.

Ana Luiza 19/10/2008

Hi Adriana,
Thank you (thank you all) for the answers.
I will check all the answers and then publish them in the next PDF – soon!

PedroU 17/10/2008

1) They’re going to the Instituto Butantan to see a snake pit and other places around there.

2)There’re going to learn more about snakes and lots of biological things.

3)That’s the first time they’re going there and it’s the last time they will go.

Josias 14/10/2008

The students are going to a christian church (not the catholic one) to learn about God, and what He did by sending His only Son to redeeme us from all sins.

So they can grow up spiritualy, not fall into temtations and be so strong because God is giding their lives and their wishes.

They like to go whenever they can, but the school takes them one day per week.

Adriana 14/10/2008

My answers

1) Students are going to make a trip to the zoo.

2) They´re going to see the animals and learn about them.

3) Sometimes, the school promote trips to there, in order to show to the students the animal´s habits.

Please check my answers.
Thank you

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