Inglês com Cartoons #14: Here’s a letter for you

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Oct 09

Hello, everybody! Aqui vai o cartoon de hoje.
Funciona assim: eu apresento uma imagem com apenas uma fala, faço algumas perguntas, dou um exemplo e vocês usam a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Aqui está uma carta para vocês, sr. e sra. Bailey.

Aqui está uma carta para vocês, sr. e sra. Bailey.


(a) Who sent the letter? Quem enviou a carta?

(b) What does the letter say? O que diz a carta?

(c) What are Mr. and Mrs. Bailey going to do? O que o sr. e a sra. Bailey vão fazer?

Minhas respostas

(a) Lydia Bailey, their daughter. Lydia Bailey, a filha deles.

(b) It says that Lydia won’t be able to come back home for Christmas because she’ll have to work. Diz que a Lydia não vai poder voltar para casa no Natal porque ela vai ter que trabalhar.

(c) They are going to book a trip so they can be with her. Eles vão programar uma viagem para que possam estar com ela.

E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas? 


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon da semana passada – I’ll see you at the meeting – com todas as respostas para quem quiser guardar.

Vera 22/01/2009

1. I suppose that letter was sent by someone close to them.
2. The letter says something they are expectng so much.
3. Ithink they will be happy and they will return the answer as soon as they can.

Marcos 01/11/2008

1-Paul Bailer, son´s their send the letter.
2-It says that paul is longing and that Belgium is more beautiful.
3-They are answer th letter, say that they are going to go the next year.

xavier, ótima conclusão sobre o texto da carta.very good text, congratulations.

PedroU 12/10/2008

A – It was from a TV Program.
B – It says that they’ve just won a prize and they are able to travel to anywhere all around the world.
C – They’ll prepare their baggages,search something to get the visa and bring it up to Consulate.

Xavier 10/10/2008

Jonh Bailey, Mr. Bailey brother sent the letter.
It says that Jonh’s wife is pregnant and she’s going to give birth a boy so they Bailey couple will have a nephew.
They’re planning to travel to New Jersey (where Jonh live) as soon as their nephew is born.

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