Inglês com Cartoons #7: Here’s your cake

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Jul 31

Hello, everybody! Aqui vai o cartoon de hoje.
Funciona assim: eu apresento uma imagem com apenas uma fala, faço algumas perguntas, dou um exemplo e vocês usam a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários
Aqui está seu bolo, sra. Johnson.

Inglês com Cartoons #7


(a) Why is Mrs. Johnson buying a cake? Por que a sra. Johnson está comprando um bolo?

(b) What are some of the ingredients used to make the cake? Quais são alguns dos ingredientes usados para fazer o bolo?

(c) Would you eat that cake? Você comeria esse bolo?

Minhas respostas

(a) Because she loves cake and she eats cake every day. Porque ela adora bolo e come bolo todo dia.

(b) Carrots, passion fruit and jam. Cenoura, maracujá e geléia.

(c) Yes, I’d have just a tiny piece. Sim, eu comeria só um pedacinho.

E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon da semana passada – It’s selling like hotcakes – com todas as respostas para quem quiser guardar.

Vera 22/01/2009

1. Mrs Jonsosn is buying a cake because it is her daugher’s birtday.
2. To make a cake it is ncessary butter, eggs, baking powder, and some flavours like chocolate, vanilla etc.
3. I am not sure, because I dont what it is made of.

João 20/10/2008

1- Because today is her daugther’s birthday.
2- The ingredients are chocolate, coconut, biscuits, sugar.
3- Yes, I would.

Sonia 03/08/2008

1) Because it’s her husband’s anniversary.
2) Flour, eggs and milk with strawberry and cream in it.
3) Yes, of course. I like cake.

Marcia Santos 03/08/2008

a) because it’s her best friend birthday.
b) Milk, chocolate, butter and eggs.
c) Yes, I love cake.

Ton 01/08/2008

1) Because she don’t make know a cake.

2) egg, milk , wheat flour and chocolate.

3) Yes, I like chocolate of cake.

Evandro Carlos 01/08/2008

1)Because she wanna make a surprise to her son.
2)Chocolate and Banana
3)I’d eat, but now I’m not hungry

dULCE 31/07/2008

1) Because today is a anniversary of her marriage;
2) strawberry and chocolate;
3) sure, I love cake.

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