Great job people
Thanks for the answers Giuliano.
Vou fechar os comentários nesse – olhem a + recente!
She is at the Hospital.
She’s a receptionist.
Her friend had a stomachache. She went to pick up your friend there.
Hi Eliezer, you’re very welcome and keep coming back, there’s always a new cartoon around here…
I entered the blog just out of curiosity, then I became a fan.
It should be more blog with this idea
maintaining the same pattern.
Eliezer Junior
Sta Cruz da Vitória – Bahia
Mirtes e Rogerio, legal! Engraçado, o primeiro lugar que eu pensei foi restaurante, nem me passou pela cabeça loja e muito menos dentista
a) Ms Thompson is in an store.
b) She is a saleswoman.
c) She is buying a gifth because, and they are going to a birthday’s party.
(a) Ms. Thompson is at the dentist’s.
(b) She is the receptionist.
(c) She is going to hold her friend’s hand – who is terrified of dentists.