Hi Ana, I have two questions. Could you help me?
1- I am used to running on the beach three times a week.
2- I “used to” go to the gym, now “I am used to doing” Pilates twice a week.
Question: Are both examples above correct (using time phrase: three times, twice, and so on)?
3-It “used to” take me nearly two hours to get home.
4-Now, it usually takes me an hour to drive back home from work.
Question: In the example 4, can I use “be used to + ing” with “It takes me…”?
Thank you very much for you help!
Wau, good explanation! i really liked it. I’m mozambican and am studing english… Its so good. Adorei… Cntinuem assim
Muito boa a explicação, adorei! tks a lot
When I was living in Brazil, I didn’t used to study english, actually, I hated to study english. But now,I study english every day, I’m not used to listening to podcast, but I know I need to get used to listening to many podcats to improve my english.
Escrevi apenas para treinar, não sei se esta certo, é um pouco avançado pra mim, mas estou amando estudar e nunca pensei que iria querer tanto aprender ingles. I’m not fluent in english… yet.
Mais uma diga ótima. obrigda. att. ts
Nossa, vcs acabaram de entrar para os meus favoritos. Congratulations on the website! And thank you!
thanks for yours information I am really enjoyed
Mais uma vez muito obrigado , vocês tem nos ajudado muito, sou extremamente grato a isto, bye for now
Ana, you keep in surprising me … Excelente explanation!
Really Awsome!
Great job guys!
Enjoy everyone.. Thanks for the comments.
Very good,I liked so much thats explanation, thanks.,
muito bom, obrigado!
Ola Pessoal,
I really enjoyed this explanation about GET USED TO/ USED TO. I am in Australia(Brisbane) to study English. I studied this in my last class, but I couldn`t understand.
Nossa ….é explicação tirou muitas duvidas minhas….